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However, with breakdown s, detour s, road blockage s and friendly villagers along the way, most trips take three weeks.

However, while we are certainly entitled to several signs of relief, we must not become exuberant,for there are very real risks out there, some of which I will discuss shortly. 但是,当面对这些迹象时,我们不能过于乐观,因为还存在着一些现实的风险,我在下面将会予以讨论。
However, wingers Ashley Young and James Milner looked in better shape as they caused the Italian backline some nervy moments, and England finally made their deserved breakthrough on 24 minutes when Nugent met Leighton Baines' fine cross with a diving head 然而,边路球员阿什利·扬和詹姆斯·米尔奈在比赛中有很好的表现,他们给意大利的后防线造成了几次威胁,并且英格兰最终在24分钟后获得了回报,纽金特接到雷顿·拜恩斯高质量的传球顺势一个鱼跃冲顶得到了一分。
However, winning an infringement case normally results in a breeder only being awarded for lost royalties and not for damages or the cost of the trial. 然而,即使赢得了一个侵权的控告,通常育种家只能得到所损失的权利金,对于其他损失以及诉讼费用,却通常无法得到理赔。
However, with Sven set to reshuffle his midfield pack for Sunday's crucial encounter with Ecuador, Carrick's time has now come. 然而,由于斯文决定在周日对厄瓜多尔的关键比赛中改组中场组合,卡里克的机会现在已经来了。
However, with an increasing number of licences for banks to engage in credit card business being issued, the development of China UnionPay and the establishment of a national personal credit database as promoted by the PBOC, the credit card industry is ex 然而,随着获得从事信用卡业务发行权的银行日益增多,中国银联的发展和由中国人民银行所颁布成立全国性个人信用数据库,预期信用卡业务将在未来获得快速发展。
However, with breakdown s, detour s, road blockage s and friendly villagers along the way, most trips take three weeks. 然而,旅人沿路会遇到山崩、绕路、道路封锁,还有友善的村民,因此大部分的行程会费时三星期。
However, with data binding we may use a separate source, like a database, an XML file, or a script to fill the list with selectable items. 然而,通过数据绑定我们可以使用分离的源,比如数据库,XML文件或是脚本,让其中的信息填入可选择项目中。
However, with more spending power at his disposal now he is with Liverpool, a renewed bid for the 28-year-old looks likely when the transfer window reopens in January. 尽管如此,现在拥有更多转会金额和支配权的贝尼特斯,准备在一月份重新开启的转会市场上竞标购买这位28岁的球员。
However, with respect to dividends, interest and royalties, reduced withholding tax rates ranging from 5-15 percent are provided for by treaty. 签订之租税协定,股利、利息及权利金之扣缴率减低至5%-15%之範围。
However, with the alteration of Earth's wobble the ocean and water tables shall not rise evenly all around Earth. 然而,地球摆动的改变将导致海洋和水平面的提升在地球上并不均匀。
However, with the change from an agricultural to an industrial society, many nuclear families moved away from the family home in order to find work. 然而,随着农业社会向工业社会的转变,很多核心家庭离开家庭聚居地去寻找工作。

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