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It was seen as a symbol of the uprising of the modern French nation, and of the reconciliation of all the French inside the constitutional monarchy which preceded the First Republic, during the French Revolution.

It was satisfied for performance testing of high-speed A/D circuit in the project assess The factors of reducing a high speed A/D circuit performance were found out, such as harmonic distorted in front analog circuit, .sample clock shaking, analog power a 并在试验测试的基础上找出了影响高速模数转换电路转换性能的几个主要的因素,即:前端运放电路谐波失真、采样时钟抖动、模数电源及共地噪声串扰等。
It was saucy of you to contradict your boss. 你顶撞你的老板真是没礼貌。
It was scary, but exhilerating. 很吓人,但是又很让人兴奋。
It was scheduled for completion at the end of this month. 该桥原计划在本月(8月)底竣工。
It was seen and handled. 可以看得见,摸得着。
It was seen as a symbol of the uprising of the modern French nation, and of the reconciliation of all the French inside the constitutional monarchy which preceded the First Republic, during the French Revolution. 巴土底狱日被认为是现代法国的崛起:法国大革命时期君主立宪制开始解体,成立了法兰西第一共和国。
It was seen by the hidden Old drunkard. 这一切被一直躲在暗处的老醉鬼看得一清二楚。
It was seized on as the key to success in the new millennium. 人们抓住它,将它作为在新千年取得成功的关键。
It was sensible of you to refuse his offer. 你拒绝他的提议是明智的。
It was sent to me. 这个短消息是送给我的。
It was seriously distorted later, and became an ideological tool adopted by the radical party to attack the conservative party, thus shadowing the historical studies in late Northern-Song Dynasty. 在北宋后期的新旧党争中,这一学术思想被严重扭曲、变形,并与权力合谋,成为新党打击旧党的意识形态工具,从而为北宋后期的史学进程带来厄运。

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