I was also having a tough time due to the fact that my dance instructor was a foot shorter than me -_- ...not to mention a homosexual old fart (I was expecting a hunky, lithe man whose looks would inspire me a bit more to learn...regardless of his sexual
还有悲惨的是,我的教练比我矮一尺,更别提他是个搞同性恋的老肥屁了(我原先期待的是个体态柔软的大帅哥,这样不管他「性」向如何,他的俊容总还能唤起我学习的灵感)。 |
I was also ill for some weeks , but slowly , I got better .
我也病了几个星期,但慢慢地我好转了。 |
I was also just about to start working in Brussels, as a project manager for international education programs of the European Commission.
我也开始在布鲁赛尔工作-欧洲委员会国际教育计画的筹画经理人。 |
I was also taken aback at their interest in foreign things.
令我震惊的还有他们对异国事物的兴趣。 |
I was also told by the astrologer that if I move to another time zone I should have better income.
占星家也说,如果我搬到另外一个地区的话,我的收入会比较好。 |
I was also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity.
23我在他面前作了完全人。我也保守自己远离我的罪孽。 |
I was always a bit of a duffer at maths.
我在数学方面总是有点笨. |
I was always a little in awe of Great-aunt Stephina Roos.
我对斯蒂菲娜老姑总是怀着敬畏之情。 |
I was always a wallflower in high school. I never liked to dance in front of people.
高中时我总是当壁花,我从来就不喜欢在人前跳舞。 |
I was always an awkward dancer.
我跳舞一向是笨手笨脚的. |
I was always mesmerized listening to this “ time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
在她向我传授她的智慧和经验时,我总是着了迷似地倾听这个时间机器。 |