Rather than designing a machine for existing gamers, it gambled that non-gamers represented an untapped market and devised a machine with far broader appeal.
他们认为玩家以外的群体是尚未开发的市场,于是冒险为他们,而非现有的玩家设计游戏机。 |
Rather than dismiss it as a fluke, they will try every way possible to find it.
他们就会像猫爪一样紧盯着目标,然后尝试各种可能的方法找到它,解决它。 |
Rather than do their own research, money pours into the market and pushes up certain stocks beyond reasonable expectations.
他们不会自己调查研究,而只是不停的把钱投入股市而把某些股票炒的高于它应有的价位。 |
Rather than doing multiple checks for each type of input, one would make one call to the input sub-system and it would transparently check all devices.
与其直接依次去检测每种输入设备,不如让我们来调用一次输入子系统,它会透明地去完成检测所有的输入设备的工作。 |
Rather than evaluating programs in terms of how happy they make people, how satisfied those people become, programs must be evaluated in terms of the quality of the discontent they engender.
对于各项计划的评估,不要看其令人们高兴的程度,使人们满意的程度,而要看其引起的不满情绪属于什么性质。 |
Rather than far-flung acquisitions, it's consolidations that stand out among the maturing titans of Chinese capitalism.
巩固产业,而非广泛的收购,是新兴中国资本巨头的特点。 |
Rather than focusing on the negative points in the situation, help him look to the future with a positive attitude.
不要把重心都放在负面的事物上,帮助他以正面的心态展望未来。 |
Rather than follow notes on a page, he improvised, playing what was in his head instead.
他不但不依照乐谱演奏,而且还即兴修改乐谱。 |
Rather than forcing Italy's long-suffering voters back to the polls (this was the 61st government since 1945) the president was expected to try for a cabinet headed by someone more widely acceptable in parliament, or even for a remodelled Prodi administra
人们期待总统试着重组一个由更广泛受议会欢迎的人领导的内阁,或者甚至是一个重塑的普罗迪政权,而不是强迫意大利长期受折磨的选民再去投票(这是自1945以来的第61届政府)。 |
Rather than freezing in nighttime isolation, these astronomers sit in comfortable offices during the day, instructing computers to mine digital sky surveys.
这些天文学家不必在孤寂的夜里受冻,而能够于白天坐在舒服的办公室里,命令电脑对天空进行数位巡测。 |
Rather than gain leverage by adopting a nuanced position on the core issue of Tibet, India continues to be overcautious in its diplomacy, even when Beijing acts antagonistically.
印度没有在西藏的核心问题上采取微妙的立场,而是继续缩手缩脚地外交,甚至当北京采取敌对行为时也如此。 |