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The man does not give up his masculinity, nor does the woman abandon her femininity. They simply expand their potential to include the other polarity.

The man detailed to us all the wonders he have see in his travel. 那人向我们详述了他旅途所见之奇事。
The man devised a new system for handling mails after experimenting many times. 这个人在经过反复实验后设计出了一种新的信件处理系统。
The man did not display the regular symptoms of an AIDS patient, such as skin lesions. Instead, he became incoherent and delirious. 最曲折的就是,这名男子可能已经染了爱滋六七年,却因为毫无皮肤长瘤等典型症状,而浑然不知,结果爱滋病竟然以躁郁症的症状发作。
The man died suddenly last week. 那个人上周猝死。
The man displayed provincial attitudes towards the theatre. 这个人显示出对戏剧界的守旧态度。
The man does not give up his masculinity, nor does the woman abandon her femininity. They simply expand their potential to include the other polarity. 男性并没有放弃他的男性特质,女性也没有放弃她的女性特质。他们仅仅是扩展他们的潮能去包含另一极性。
The man does odd jobs in my father's garden. 那人在我父亲的花园里打零工。
The man driving the earthmover is Mr. Li. 开推土机的那个人是李先生。
The man dubbed the greatest scientist of the 20th century surpassed Darwin's output, penning more than 14,500 letters to colleagues and reading 16,200, the study by academics from the universities of Notre Dame in the US state of Indiana and Aveiro of Por 根据美国印第安那州圣母院大学和葡萄牙阿威罗大学的研究,被喻为二十世纪最伟大科学家的爱因斯坦,写信产量超越达尔文,他毕生写信14,500封,收信16,200封。
The man endeavored to please his beloved wife. 那人尽量使他深爱的妻子快乐。
The man eventually made it clear to the supervisor that her attentions were unwelcome. 此位男士最终向这位上司表明,她的关心不受欢迎。

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