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Campbell's team used the Arecibo radar to penetrate more than five meters into the floors of several small shadowed craters near the moon's north pole and into Shoemaker and Faustini craters at the south pole.

Campaigns to promote sleeping on the back have cut the incidence of SIDS significantly. 提倡平躺着睡觉的运动已经极大地削减了患婴儿猝亡综合症的机率。
Campanella, Thomas J. The Visible City.In Metropolis. March, 1995. 看得见的城市〉,摘自《大都市》1995年3月.
Campbell AM. Monoclonal antibody and immunosensor technology[M]. Elsevier Science Publisers BV, 1991, 189-203. 李成文.现代免疫化学技术[M].上海:上海科学技术出版社1992;224-226.
Campbell admits that he was disappointed not to find thick ice deposits, but he points out that his team's results in no way imply that the moon is ice-free. 坎贝尔坦承对于没有找到厚冰层感到失望,但他指出,这项结果并非暗示著月球不是冰冻的。
Campbell and others assert that these estimates are far too high because countries exaggerate the amount of petroleum still in the ground. 坎贝尔与其他学者认为,这些估计数字都偏高太多,因为有许多国家过度夸大剩馀的原油蕴藏量。
Campbell's team used the Arecibo radar to penetrate more than five meters into the floors of several small shadowed craters near the moon's north pole and into Shoemaker and Faustini craters at the south pole. 坎贝尔的研究团队使用阿雷西波雷达,深入探测月球北极附近许多阴暗的小陨石坑,以及南极的修梅克陨石坑与福司提尼陨石坑,穿透深度达到五公尺。
Campbell:In total,they've got enough manpower to rival the U.S. military. 总的来说,他们已经得到了用来对抗美国军队的足够人力。
Campell: Not anymore...We've found him...The Middle East. 坎贝尔:不再是了……我们找到他了……在中东。
Campell: in total,they've got enough manpower to rival the U.S.military. 坎贝尔:总的来说,他们的人力资源可以和美国的军事力量相匹敌。
Campell: the five largest PMCs are run by a dummy corporation which acts as a single mother commany. 五个最大的PMC都是通过一个伪装过的母公司来运作。
Campers associate with people they like and trust. 职业道德和教学水平为我们赢得了学员的喜爱与信任。

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