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50 Extras for the jazz lounge / Should include 5 business man looking guys, 4 chinese woman with elegant look in their 40’s that should smoke a cigar during the scene, a couple in their 20’s that kisses each other.

5 years working in a MNC with extensive experience in inventory and logistic management is essential. 在外资公司有3-5年的工作经验,尤其需要在存货库存管理及物流管理方面有广泛的经验。
5 zone barrel –shaped pocket spring core system with specific elasticity.Made according to the patented SCHLARAFFIA insertion system with soft shoulder comfort zones.With reinforced core cover for permanent sleeping comfort. 五段式独立筒弹簧,极富弹性,SCHLARAFFIA自己研发的专利权---增强肩膀部位,柔软、舒适的嵌入型独立筒,能让人安稳入眠、甜睡。
5What did he put you afoot for?somebody asked. “他干嘛要让你下去走?”有人问。
5.5m and finalised the financial terms of the contract. 对此,摩纳哥俱乐部副主席布里安蒂称双方“达成了良好的谅解”。
5.I hate this. 6.This is shit! 5.我讨厌这种事.6.这是狗屎!
50 Extras for the jazz lounge / Should include 5 business man looking guys, 4 chinese woman with elegant look in their 40’s that should smoke a cigar during the scene, a couple in their 20’s that kisses each other. 50名群众演员:(角色)在豪华的爵士酒吧里,其中包括5个商人(男性),4个40岁左右气质高雅的女性(在酒吧里吸着雪茄),一对20岁左右的情侣(接吻)。
50 He gave a little mild chuckle and he looked at me with those kind and candid blue eyes of his. He rubbed his chin with his hand. 他轻轻地咯咯一笑,用那双和善又坦率的蓝眼睛望着我。他用手摩挲着下巴。
50 He is one of our most important clients. 他是我们最重要的客户之一.
50 Here are your-ticket,boarding pass,please keep it. 这是您的机票和登机牌,请收好。
50 I have trouble with pronunciation. 我在发音上有困难。
50 That's all Porter needs. 波特要的就是这一迟疑。

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