Nature justice requires that the procedure before any tribunal which is acting judicially shall be fair in all the circumstances.
自然公正要求任何行使司法权力的法庭所适用的程序在任何情况下都是公正的。 |
Nature made this den, a cave undercutting bluff of beautiful orange-beige sandstone.
这是个浑然天成的洞穴。山洞在一个浅桔色的砂岩峭壁之下。 |
Nature magazine published the study online last week.
《自然》杂志上周在网上发表研究报告。 |
Nature magazine released the study online on August twenty-third. Nature had to correct its own press release about the experiment two times.
8月23日,《自然》杂志在网上发布了这项研究.其后《自然》杂志又不得不两次纠正自己关于该实验的发布。 |
Nature of Light, Geometrical Optics, and Gaussian Approximation, Wave Optics, Interference of Light, Coherence, Polarization of Light, Diffraction of Light.
光的性质、波动光学、几何光学及高斯近似、光的干涉、相干性、光的偏振、光的绕射、一些重要的应用实例。 |
Nature perceives that many humans derive pleasure from their relationship to their cats and dogs or other pets.
大自然觉察到,很多人从猫*或其他宠物的关系中获得了乐趣。 |
Nature really is red in tooth and claw.
自然确实是血红的牙齿和利爪。 |
Nature saw that the possibility of a return out of the darkness and falls in consciousness would present itself in time in earth\'s future history.
自然界看到战胜黑暗与意识下降而回归的可能性,将在地球未来历史中及时展现。 |
Nature seems to be wakened from a deep sleep.
大自然好像从沉睡中被唤醒。 |
Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it.
大自然的施惠不减,而人的努力更是使其倍增。 |
Nature thrives on patience; man on impatience.
大自然因拥有耐性而兴盛;人类因缺乏耐性而成长。 |