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When separated by a semipermeable membrane (e.g. a cell membrane) water moves by osmosis into the hypertonic solution from the hypotonic solution.

When self-emotion gets excited or looses control of language and behavior, it is suggested that you may move from “the battlefield” temporary to cool each other's high emotion. 如果是在自我情绪激动或出现失控的言语和行为时,建议您可以暂时远离「战场」,以冷却彼此高昂的情绪。
When sending faxes to your clients, you should include a cover sheet. 传真给客户时,你应该附上封面页。
When senior scientists talk blue sky, the clouds are about to roll in. 当老科学家在谈天空的蓝色时,云团蜂拥而至。
When sentiment turns after a long bull run, the market usually overreacts. 漫长的牛市离去之后,当人们心理上发生变化,市场通常会反应过度。
When separate from your boyfriend, send the gifts he sent you to your friends instead of throwing them away. 和男朋友分手后,与其把他送的礼物扔掉,还不如送给朋友。
When separated by a semipermeable membrane (e.g. a cell membrane) water moves by osmosis into the hypertonic solution from the hypotonic solution. 当用半透膜(如细胞膜)将两种溶液隔开,水分就会在渗透压的作用下从低渗一侧向高渗溶液流动。
When set to this stance, units will always move to engage enemies in close combat over ranged combat when given an attack order. Left-click to toggle to Ranged Stance. 被设置成该姿态的单位肉搏优先,战斗中遭遇敌人都是一边开枪一边迎上去肉搏。左键点击该图标将变为射击姿态。
When set to this stance, units will always move to engage enemies in ranged combat when given an attack order. Left-click to toggle to Assault Stance. 被设置成该姿态的单位射击优先,如果没有近身,便一直用抢攻击。左键点击该图标将变为肉搏姿态。
When setting up the board to play Mahjong, shuffling of the Mahjong tiles is needed before piling around the table. 在设立董事会麻将,洗牌的麻将牌桌上才可打桩.
When several adjectives modify the same noun, there is a particular order they must follow in English. Certain adjectives come before others. 当几个形容词修饰同一个名词时,它们就必须遵循英语中的一个特定顺序。某些形容词要在另一些的前面。
When several carpenters, a builder or two, an art historian, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer had all tried unsuccessfully to pry it from the wall, the Prime Minister had abandoned the attempt and simply resolved to hope that the thing remained motionl 在几个木匠、一两个建筑工、一个艺术史学家和财政大臣把它从墙上弄下来的努力都以失败告终之后,首相终于放弃了努力,只好寄希望于那幅画像在他余下的任期里再也不要动了。

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