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It was the secularization of the ecclesial university publications that brought greater effects than other ecclesiastic publications.

It was the second case in two months in which a murder victimhas been found alive after police and judicial officials allegedly used torture and forced confessions to convict the suspected murderers. 这是两个月来第二起警方和司法人员据说动用刑求及逼供将涉嫌凶手定罪之后,「谋杀案被害人」却被发现尚在人世的案例。
It was the second extension offered in the talks. 这是第二次将会谈的最后期限延期。
It was the second major mine disaster in 10 days in Shanxi, a major coal-producing region. An explosion on March 18 killed 21 miners, it said. 这是10天来发生在山西省这个主要产煤地区的第二个重大煤矿灾难。据报道,在03月18日的爆炸已经造成21名矿工死亡。
It was the second monumental loss in the opera world in recent months. 帕瓦罗蒂的逝世是近几个月来歌剧界的又一重大损失。
It was the second most-visited online retailer in December, after eBay. 它还是12月份访问人数最多的在线经销商。
It was the secularization of the ecclesial university publications that brought greater effects than other ecclesiastic publications. 由于教会大学出版物的世俗化,所以,其影响范围较之其他教会出版物更为广泛。
It was the seeming injustice that stampeded the workers into action. 是那些看起来不公正的行为使工人们突然采取了行动。
It was the seventh biggest one-day point drop ever for the Dow. On a percentage basis, the Dow lost about 3.3 percent - its biggest one-day percentage loss since March 2003. 这是道指曾经发生过的第七个最大暴跌日。从百分比基数看,道指下跌了大约3.3%--自2003年3月以来最大的一次一日内百分比下跌。
It was the sort of morning when everything goes wrong. 那天上午就是那样,事事不顺心。
It was the sort of night when phantoms might walk. 这种夜晚正是幽灵出没的时候.
It was the sound of the gunfire of these paratroopers, the spearheads of the enormous landing forces that declared the opening of the second front. 作为大规模登陆战的前锋,正是这些伞兵们的枪声拉开了“第二战场”的帏幕。

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