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The icy wind cut him to the bone.

The iconic garment had been expected to fetch between $98,000 and $138,000 as part of a sale of film and television memorabilia at Christie's auction house in London. 这件标志性的戏服是伦敦克里斯蒂拍卖行所拍的众多经典影视纪念品中的一件,其拍前估价在9.8万至13.8万美元之间。
The iconography of Kuan Yin depicts her in many forms, each one revealing a unique aspect of her merciful presence. 观音像描写了她许多形态,每一幅具有她特定慈悲存在的启迪形象。
The icy road slowed our progress. 结冰的道路使我们前进的速度减慢了。
The icy shores of Antarctica lie to the south. 南部是南极洲的冰冻陆地。
The icy wind bit our faces. 寒风刺痛我们的脸。
The icy wind cut him to the bone. 他感到寒风刺骨。
The icy wind had blasted the new spring growth. 寒冷的风摧毁了春天才生长出来的东西。
The idate() function formats a local time or date as integer. 函数的作用是:将本地时间日期格式化为整数形式。
The idea and way of secret sharing, threshold schemes, multisecret sharing. 秘密共享的思想和方法,门限方案、(多)秘密共享。
The idea as it first came to me was about a boy who didn't know he was a wizard until he got his invitation to wizard school, so there was never a question that Harry would go anywhere else! 当这个念头第一次出现的时候,我把哈利想成一个在接到魔法学校邀请函之前不知道自己是个巫师的男孩,所以我从没考虑过让他去别的学校。
The idea basic of national state in Deng Zhenglai's book can not resist universalism. 而邓正来在书中所体现出来的国别主义则无法对抗普遍主义。

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