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Camarasaurus was a plant eater.

Calyx tube constricted at apex; petals 5, white, with pellucid dots, pubescent; fertile stamens 5; filaments longer than petals, anthers 1.5-2.5 mm long, pubescent; staminodes 15, 10 of them gland-like, ovoid, inserted on the base of filaments, rest 5 glo 花萼管顶端稍缢缩;花瓣5,白色,有透明腺点,被短柔毛;发育雄蕊5枚,花丝长于花瓣,花约1.5-2.5毫米,被短柔毛;退化雄蕊15枚,其中10枚腺体状,卵球形,著生于发育雄蕊花丝基部,另5枚球形;花柱被柔毛,柱头鸡冠状。
Cam Recording in dark area with no light or no flash can be used? 在黑暗中录映或没有闪光可以使用?
Cam mechanism with variable inputting speed, its driving force will change along with the profile of cam, thus make the design of cam mechanism becomes a difficult problem. 摘要变速输入的凸轮机构,驱动力随凸轮廓线而变化,使得凸轮机构的设计成为一个难题。
Cam you tell me what your full name is, please? 你能告诉我你的全名吗?
Camaraderie: Team sports introduce you to all types of personalities and helps you appreciate differences in others and build friendships. Being part of something beyond yourself is powerful. 团队精神:篮球是一个团队运动和整个球队一起打球需要耐心,无私和妥协.
Camarasaurus was a plant eater. 卡玛拉龙是草食动物。
Cambiasso finds Martins with a long ball forward. The Nigerian plays to Karagounis who sets up Adriano. The Brazilian's shot is blocked by Bega. 坎比亚索长传找马丁斯,尼日利亚人与卡拉贡尼斯做一个配合后分球给阿德里亚诺,但巴西前锋的射门被贝加化解。
Cambiasso had the ability and verve, all he needed was experience and self-confidence. 坎比亚索有这个能力和气魄,所有他所需要的只是经验和自信。
Cambiasso's header to Martins on the edge of the Ukrainian box is swept clear by Barcauan. 坎比头球摆渡给禁区边缘的马丁斯,但被对方断下。
Cambodia workers search for dead bodies in the arms warehouse destroyed by an explo-sion early on Thursday in Cambodia's north-western province of Battambang, about 300 km northwest of Ph-nom Penh, March 31, 2005. 3月31日,在柬埔寨首都金边西北约300公里的马德望市近郊一座陆军弹药库,工人正在搜寻遇难者的尸体。
Cambodia, 1968, Two saffron-robed Buddhist monks are framed by a window at the central temple of Angkor Thom, built by the ancient Khmer people. 柬埔寨,1968年,威尔布·加瑞特,在古国吉蔑所建造的吴哥窟,2位身披袈裟的僧侣正蹲在中庭大殿的窗口中。

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