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The European Union (EU) is the world's largest trading unit known as a customs union.

The European Happy Planet Index used carbon efficiency, life satisfaction and life expectancy to rate the countries. 此项“欧洲快乐星球指数”主要是综合碳效率、人民的生活满意度及预期寿命三个指标对这些国家进行评分。
The European Journal of Agronomy, the official journal of the European Society for Agronomy, publishes original research papers reporting experimental and theoretical contributions to crop science in many fields, such as crop physiology, crop production a 描述:《欧洲农学杂志》是欧洲农学会的会刊,刊登有关农作物科学方面的实践性与理论性的原创性文章,涉及作物生理学、作物生产与管理、农业气候学与模拟、植物与土壤的关系、作物质量与生理学、耕作与作物系统及农业生态系统与环境等学科。
The European Medicines Agency in London said that the information lifted in the packets should warn that convulsions, hallucinations and delirium have all been reported among patients taking Tamiflu. 位于伦敦的欧洲药品局称,药品包装袋上的说明里应提醒使用者,服用“达菲”的病人可能会发生痉挛,产生幻想,或者导致精神错乱。
The European Payments Council, a bank initiative, has promised to give customers apparently seamless credit transfers and card payments across the euro zone from the start of 2008. 欧洲支付委员会,一个银行业组织,已承诺将从2008年初开始,在欧元区全境为客户提供完全无缝信用卡转账和支付服务。
The European Space Agency plans a second experiment in the coming months to test the effects of weightlessness in space on bone and muscle tissue. 欧洲航天局计划下周开展第二次试验,观察在太空中失重对骨髂和肌肉的影响。
The European Union (EU) is the world's largest trading unit known as a customs union. 欧洲同盟(欧盟)就是关税同盟,是世界上最大的贸易单位。
The European Union (home to 875,000 divorces a year, of which a fifth are “international”) is trying to tidy up its divorce laws. 欧盟每年有87.5万对夫妇离婚,其中1/5属“跨国婚姻”,目前它正设法完善其离婚法律。
The European Union Study Association - Taiwan(EUSA-TAIWAN) was established in June 1998 with the aim of promoting European integration studies in Taiwan and interchange between the peoples of Taiwan and Europe, serving as a vehicle for mutual understandin 欧洲联盟研究协会成立于1998年,旨在推广欧洲整合研究、加强台湾与欧洲国家人民间的交流,作为台湾与欧洲彼此文化沟通的桥梁,以提升国人对欧洲多元文化的认识与了解,并扩展国人的国际视野与世界观。
The European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have agreed to hold free trade talks, embarking on one of the world's largest regional trade negotiations. 欧盟和东南亚国家联盟同意举行自由贸易会谈,这将是全球最大的区域贸易谈判之一。
The European Union and the US, meanwhile, have an arms embargo on Sudan. 当时,欧盟和美国对苏丹实行武器禁运。
The European Union has 27 member nations. 欧盟有27个成员国。

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