But,then the capacity to adjust peak value will become more insufficient,electricity price of the Three-Gorge power station on the network will influence directly the price of electric power in Hubei Province.Finally,the author puts forward four measures |
中文意思: 三峡电站建成投产后,大大改善全省电网运行条件和电能质量,有利于全国联合大电力系统的形成和发展,获得联网效益,但是将进一步加剧湖北电网季节性电能偏多的矛盾,而且三峡电站上网电价将直接影响全省电力价格,最后提出湖北省电力工业结构调整4条对策:1.优化电源结构;2.电网建设与电源建设同步发展;3.搞好三峡电站调峰电源建设;4.切实贯彻“开发与节约并举”的能源方针。 |
But,mother Zhu Liya has tall to let elegant completely leave school, andasked a teacher for her to attend class in the home, she also finallygradually had some has been self-confident.
无奈,母亲朱丽亚只好让乔娜完全退学,并给她请了一名老师在家中上课,她也终于渐渐有了一些自信。 |
But,only for a season.
可这只能维持一段时间. |
But,our jaejoong love his triceps than the others(hoho).
但是我们的在中最喜欢他的三头肌(呵呵)。 |
But,she will elegantly escape her fate as a desprate housewife by becoming a serial bride.
她永远不会成为家庭主妇,而是一直在做新娘。 |
But,the people did not know how to ues the dinnerware to eat their food.
但是,人们不知道怎样用正餐餐具来吃食物。 |
But,then the capacity to adjust peak value will become more insufficient,electricity price of the Three-Gorge power station on the network will influence directly the price of electric power in Hubei Province.Finally,the author puts forward four measures
三峡电站建成投产后,大大改善全省电网运行条件和电能质量,有利于全国联合大电力系统的形成和发展,获得联网效益,但是将进一步加剧湖北电网季节性电能偏多的矛盾,而且三峡电站上网电价将直接影响全省电力价格,最后提出湖北省电力工业结构调整4条对策:1.优化电源结构;2.电网建设与电源建设同步发展;3.搞好三峡电站调峰电源建设;4.切实贯彻“开发与节约并举”的能源方针。 |
But,why? Why do I get driven by this impulse?
经管如此,为什么,我怎是被这股冲动驱使着。 |
But,with the rapidness of administration our country according to law processing,the rightness and validity of labor education and rehabilitation are doubted,especially the lag of legislation has an important ramification on the socilist law construction
然而随着我国依法治国进程的加快,劳动教养的正当性与合法性受到质疑,特别是立法工作的滞后已严重影响了社会主义法制建设进程和劳动教养工作实践。 |
But-drivers written-and distributed exclusively by hardware vendors are really only the second best solution.
但是由硬体卖方独占性地撰写以及散布驱动程}发以及维护驱动程}发驱动程}发者、已经成了孤儿以及╱或过时了。 |
But...no answers were found.
但是...没有答案被发现。 |
But...uh...I don't know.
这个嘛...呃...我也不晓得。 |