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Reflect the thought of caring about others, helping and love each other in the fine arts activity .

Refinery outages in recent weeks, largely for maintenance, are part of the reason fuel prices have rocketed up. 最近几周,主要由于维护而导致的炼油厂停工是本季度燃料价格飞涨的部分原因。
Refine” Finding the honorable customer” goes to the high point … 600 square meter the open air hall, 100 square meter of the reception room of repair service, other facilities takes 300 square meters, it is an 4S auto parts shop combing the whole car sale 瑞风“寻找荣誉客户”进入高潮...露天展厅600多平方米,修理车间500多平方米,维修业务接待室100多平方米,其它配套设施占用场地300多平方米,是一家集整车销售、售后维修、配件供应、信息咨询与反馈于一体“4S”汽车功能店。
Refit the conference room have disturbed the office routine. 重新装修会议室,打乱了办公室的日常工作。
Reflect Shen Congwen's interpretation of life authenticity through an analysis of crudity, ignorance, the good and the beautiful in his works. 摘要通过对沈从文作品中展现的人的原始性、蒙昧性和真与美的人性分析,反映沈从文先生对生命本真性的理解。
Reflect on why it interests you, why you are drawn to it. 思索它为什么吸引你,你为什么会沉迷其中。
Reflect the thought of caring about others, helping and love each other in the fine arts activity . 在美术活动中体现关爱他人、互助友爱的思想。
Reflected in his attitude to Biand Xing, he superficially approves of the use of Biand Xingin Li Sao, however, in fact the use isn't consistent with his attitude to Biand Xingwhich holds people should choose things that are common and existent in real lif 反映在其比兴观中,他表面上赞扬《离骚》中的比兴之义,但事实上这是不合于他的以现实生活中常见、实有的物象来运用比兴手法的比兴观的。
Reflected in the process of the production of environmental right is a serious defect in the traditional law concerning the prescriptive rules. 摘要环境权的形成和发展过程,反映了传统法律在环境权规定方面的缺陷。
Reflected in the transparent water, he saw below him his own image, but he was no longer a clumsy dark gray bird, ugly and ungainly. He was himself, a swan. 他看到了自己的倒影。但那不再是一只粗笨的、深灰色的、又丑又令人讨厌的鸭子,而却是--一只天鹅!
Reflected sunlight makes people dizzy. 反射的太阳光令人目眩.
Reflecting broad discontent based partly in an unusually synchronous global economic downturn, almost all national publics viewed global fortunes as drifting lower. 同步的全球经济下滑现象也导致了这种不满情绪,几乎所有国家的民众都认为全球财富正在减少。

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