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Since then revelations of clerical cover-ups have multiplied, together with lawsuits.

Since then it has reduced the contingent to 23-hundred. 自那以后,韩国已经把驻军减少到了2300人。
Since then it has risen by only 8% against the greenback. 从那以后,人民币对美钞已经升值8%。
Since then many psychiatrists have been skeptical of the suicide link. 从那时开始,许多精神病医师就开始怀疑抗抑郁剂与自杀是否存在联系。
Since then many ychiatrists have been skeptical of the suicide link. 从那时开始,许多精神病医师就开始怀疑抗抑郁剂与自杀是否存在联系。
Since then our ranks have grown a thousandfold. 至今,我们的队伍壮大了1000倍。
Since then revelations of clerical cover-ups have multiplied, together with lawsuits. 从那时起,海量的证据指向教会官方掩盖罪行,司法程序也随之介入。
Since then she has founded palliative care services at 40 long-term-care facilities. 此后,她已经在40个长期照护院所建立了缓和医疗中心。
Since then she has played a diverse range of roles. 从那时起,她出演了各种不同的角色。
Since then spread to the Mother's Day! 母亲节从此流传开来!
Since then the 56-year-old has found the likes of Nicolas Anelka, Gael Clichy and Philippe Senderos as well as rejuvenating the careers of Patrick Vieira, Marc Overmars, Dennis Bergkamp and Thierry Henry. 温格发掘出阿内尔卡,克利希和森德罗斯,让维埃拉、奥维马斯,博格坎普,亨利等球员重新焕发出职业生涯的光彩。
Since then the issue of China's representation in the U.N. system has been resolved once and for all and Taiwan's re-entry is out of the question. 自此,在联合国组织中的中国代表权问题已获得了彻底的解决,根本不存在台湾再加入的问题。

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