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This dog was thrashing about in a death-struggle, directly on the trail, and Buck passed around him without stopping. 这只狗正翻来覆去做垂死挣扎,巴克没有停留,绕过他直朝前走。
This domain is for sale or cooperate ! 此域名正在竞价出售、出租或合作!
This domain is for sale or cooperation! 此域名正在竞价出售或合作!
This domain is for sale or rent or cooperate ! 以下域名正在竞价出售、出租或合作!
This domain name can be rented or sold Interested parties please contact us. 此域名可以转租或出售,有意者请联系我们。
This domains are for sale or rent or cooperate ! 以上域名正在竞价出售、出租或合作!
This domestic Paramount release looks to parlay critical acclaim and its director's ever-increasing eminence into strong B.O. returns through the autumn and probably beyond. 这部在美国国内极为重要的影片上映赢得了影评界的一致好评,该片导演不断上升的出采将直接赢得今秋票房大收,或者超出今秋的范围。
This dominion will be shared by all those who faithfully obey his teaching. 忠于他教诲的人到时将分享这一主宰。
This done, we went home. 工作完成后,我们才回家。
This door is closed and locked at 8 pm every night and opened again at 7 am. You'll need your key if you're coming back to the college between those times. 门在每晚8点锁上,第二天早上7点打开。如果你返回学院在这段时间,你需要有钥匙。
This door is narrow in proportion to its height. 这扇门就其高度的比例而言窄了些。

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