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The capital is Wellington and the largest city is Auckland.

The capital city can be outfitted with improvements and technologies to strengthen your armies, but your primary activity in the single-player game will be marshaling your forces to whichever territory you feel like conquering next. 首都可以进行提升或者配置新技术来加强你的军队,但是你在单人游戏中主要做的就是聚集军队然后,派遣到你要征服的下一个地区。
The capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty Bianliang, named Kaifeng today, were known for its peerless prosperities. 北宋汴梁城,即今天的开封市,一度因其繁华闻名于世,却突然从地面上神秘消失。
The capital club has offers on the table from Atalanta, Palermo and Reggina for the Honduras international, who wants to continue his career in Serie A this season. 亚特兰大、巴勒莫和雷吉纳都已向罗马求购这位洪都拉斯球员,阿尔瓦雷斯希望本赛季能在意甲继续他的职业生涯。
The capital have annie ring road. 那个城市有一条内环路。
The capital injection is understood to include a poison pill, probably in the form of preference shares that can be converted into UFJ ordinary stock at any time, that could be used to block SMFG's offer. 据悉,此次注资将包括一个“毒丸”计划,该计划可能以优先股的形式出现,可以在任何时间转换成日联银行的普通股,这一安排能用于阻碍三井住友的要约。
The capital is Wellington and the largest city is Auckland. 首都是惠灵顿,奥克兰是全国最大的城市。
The capital is calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere. 首都一片平静,然而据报道在别的地方仍有持续的骚乱。
The capital is in the extreme south of the country. 首都在这个国家的最南端。
The capital loss sustained by the owners of goods sold for the purpose of raising funds to defray general average disbursements shall be allowed in general average. 为筹款支付共同海损费用而变卖货物致使货主遭受的资本损失,均应认入共同海损。
The capital market can be contrasted with other financial markets such as the money market which deals in short term liquid assets, and derivatives markets which deals in derivative contracts. 资本市场是一种市场形式,而不是指一个物理地点,它是指所有在这个市场上交易的人、机构以及他们之间的关系。
The capital market will see an increasing trend of deregulation, institutionalization, regulation transparency and market integration. 市场化、机构化、监管透明化、境内外市场一体化,成为我国资本市场变化的主趋势。

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