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Since he has been penitent, I don't think he will do that again.

Since he didn't switch off the machine before taking this action, the glass safety protection cover wasn't open as normal so as he reached he failed to watch out the air cylinder's running status while doing this operation, and just at this moment, a bloc 因为他没有关掉电源就进行了此操作,玻璃安全保护罩并没有像以往那样打开,所以操作中他并没有看到气压缸运行状态,就在这个时候,螺丝的上边的一块以45度角斜切下来,切到他右手小指的指尖,结果指尖部分的肉被切掉。
Since he doesn't understand that women keep score differently, he naturally focuses his energies into one or two big gifts. 不管爱的礼物是大是小,女人只记一分,每样礼物的价值都相等。
Since he escaped from gaol, Tom has been living on a razor's edge, terrified of recapture. 汤姆越狱後, 时时如惊弓之鸟, 生怕再次被捕.
Since he escaped from gaol, Tom has been living on a razor's edge, terrified of recapture. 汤姆越狱后,时时如惊弓之鸟,生怕再次被捕.
Since he had no time to read the book in detail, he just skimmed it. 由于他没有时间细读那本书,所以他只把它浏览了一遍。
Since he has been penitent, I don't think he will do that again. 既然他已经悔罪了,我认为他不会再那样做了。
Since he is famous for speculation against central banks and not shy to brag about it, he is fair game for such accusations. 由于他以跟中央银行作对而闻名,并且大言不惭,所以受到这样的指控也是合理的。
Since he knew a professional baseball player, he has been watching baseball games on TV every day. 自从他认识一位职棒选手以来,他每天都从电视上看比赛。
Since he left the US central bank, Mr Greenspan's remarks have become much more definitive – in contrast to his often convoluted and confusing phraseology while in office. 自离开美联储以来,格林斯潘的讲话内容变得明确了很多,一反在任时常见的令人费解和迷惑的措词风格。
Since he left, she's been sitting at home eating her heart out. 他走了以後,她一直坐在家里,心如刀割。
Since he may have itchy fingers around here, we better hide our valuables. 他在这里也许有偷窃意图,我们最好把贵重东西藏起来。

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