But the day before yesterday my friend told me that you were going to Beijing and have bought the ticket.
但是前天我的朋友告诉我她就要去北京了并已经买好了票。 |
But the deal fell through as Abramovich refused to pay the fee Barca were asking, along with the £4 million-a-year, tax fee, that Deco was demanding to move to Stamford Bridge.
不过由于阿布拒绝支付巴萨所要求的转会费,包括德科所要求的每年400英镑的税费,这次交易没有完成。 |
But the deal mentions only an initial “disablement” of facilities, not their abandonment.
但该协议提到的只是初步停止这些核设施的运转,而不是彻底废弃。 |
But the debate about how ethical this is continues.
可是关于这样做是否合乎伦理的争论还在继续。 |
But the debate didn't end there; conservatives pointed out that while one part of the federal government was working to raise farm output, other federal farm programs were working to reduce it.
保守派指出联邦政府一方面致力于提高农业产量,而另一些联邦农业计划却在背道而驰。 |
But the decision of Russia's president this week to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine over a price dispute, on the very day he became president of the G8 rich-nations group, was a shock nonetheless.
但这位俄罗斯总统在本周经过一轮价格论战之后做出停止对乌克兰的天然气供应的决定仍然是一场震撼——在这个特殊的日子,他还是8国集团的轮值主席。 |
But the deep, multiple fault lines that the row is laying bare—both within the Atlantic alliance, and between the alliance and Russia—seem all too reminiscent of cold-war politics at their dismal worst.
但是深处的多重裂纹凸露出来——不仅在北约内部,而且在北约和俄罗斯之间——似乎极度忧郁地(表现出)对冷战政策的怀念。 |
But the defeated Queen may have ultimately won the war.
但这位战败的女王也许才是这场战争最终的赢家。 |
But the defense is fighting the move, saying the information would be prejudicial and that the prosecution has not met the evidentiary threshold required to allow admission.
但是辩方反对这样做,声称那些资料带有不公正性,并且指控将不会遇到那些要求允许使用的证据的底线。 |
But the demand for fish is not likely to decrease anytime soon as fish are the primary source of protein for around one billion people.
可是鱼是约十亿人口的主要蛋白质来源,所以对鱼类的需求不可能在短期内减少。 |
But the denial has done little to allay suspicions that such tactics will be used.
但是官方出面辟谣并没有减轻公众对此的怀疑。 |