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(There must be) No talking in here!

(May be ideology comes in when values clash - tells you how to reconcile competing arguments). (可能是当不同价值有冲突时,意识形态就派上用场-说明如何协调有矛盾的争议。)
(No, I don't mean this in a cold, calculating rate of returnway; I only mean to suggest that good works of art must go beyond self-indulgence and address issues we care - or should care - about). (我指的不是斤斤计较的“回报率”,我的意思是,好的艺术作品必须超越自我放纵,探讨我们关心,或者应该关心的课题)。
(Note: This is a descriptive, not an evaluative introduction. (注意:这是一份描述性的,而不是评量性的介绍。
(Or do you expect every visitor only to view your web content once? (你不会认爲每个房客只要来看一次吧?)
(The expedition from which Desio is a veteran). (经验丰富的迪塞奥参加过那个探险队)。
(There must be) No talking in here! 这儿不许讲话。
(With emphasis.) You will still notice that there will be weather changes and there will be Earth changes that come and that recede. (强调)你们将依然注意将会有气候的变化和地球将开始有转变和后退。
(the exclamation point presumably mirroring our surprise that any of our code could cause errors). (这个惊叹号大概是反映了我们对于任何一行程序代码可能出状况感到吃惊的心情。)
(thinking, David cannot come in here. (他们心里想,大卫绝不能进这里来。
) (16) He talked about his cemetry revelationsas matters of fact, and managed to compile a massive compendium on Sufism entitled Al-Futoohat Al-Mekkiyyah (the Meccan Revelations). 令学术界人士惊叹的是,与生活在伊斯兰教世界其它地区的学术人物相比,这三位学术泰斗都有其与众不同的独特之处。
) - The biggest diamond to be found in 13 years, the Lesotho Promise,was sold on Monday at auction for more than $12 million and is expected to fetch in excess of $20 million once it is cut up. 周一,它在拍卖会上卖出了1200万美元的价格,而一旦被切割后,它的价格估计会突破2000万美元。

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