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According to the theory of human physiology, anatomy and biomechanics, the anatomical structure at buttocks and thigh area is analyzed to propose a general criteria on the comfortable body pressure distribution in man-machine interface.

According to the theory of developing viscous crude with screw pump and combined with the reservoir characteristic and oil property,Fault Block 70 is developed reasonably and effectively through a series of corollary technique including chemical pre-proce 依据螺杆泵开采重油的理论,结合泽70断块稠油油藏的特点和原油物性,通过实施地层化学预处理、井筒降粘、螺杆泵井下锚定、螺杆泵优化设计、螺杆泵合理转速的确定、变频控制、井口换热降粘、螺杆泵监测等一系列螺杆泵配套工艺技术,使泽70断块得以合理有效的开发。
According to the theory of distance of international economy and trade, this thesis states the significance of constructing and promoting the prosperity of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area with the aid of culture and link China with ASEAN with the aid of Zhuan 摘要根据国际经贸距离说,阐明借助文化促进中国-东盟自由贸易区的建设与繁荣,借助壮侗语民族连接中国与东盟的重要意义。
According to the theory of exerting strength in traditional Wushu such as Taiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, etc, to our practical experience of traditional Wushu, to the interview of some specialists, summed up and gave the general law of exerting strength 摘要根据以太极拳、形意拳、八卦掌等为代表的各传统武术门派各自关于发劲的理论阐述,通过实验法以及多年演练这些传统武术的实践体会和对有关专家的访谈咨询,总结出传统武术发劲的共性规律:发劲要顺,气息配合,意念激发,完整合一,一触即发,螺旋滚钻。
According to the theory of generalized inversion, we can get the parameters of velocity and thickness in each layer with joint inversion of multilayer reflection wave's travel time. 摘要从广义反演理论出发,对多层反射波的走时联合反演,可以同时获得所有的各层速度及厚度参数。
According to the theory of global value chain, such a conclusion can be made that the strategic choice for Chinese enterprises is to embed themselves in the global value chain and upgrade themselves by learning and innovation. 根据全球价值键理论,本文提出嵌入跨国公司全球价值链,并通过学习和创新沿价值链不断攀升是中国企业发展的战略选择。
According to the theory of human physiology, anatomy and biomechanics, the anatomical structure at buttocks and thigh area is analyzed to propose a general criteria on the comfortable body pressure distribution in man-machine interface. 摘要针对汽车驾驶人机接触界面中的乘坐舒适性问题,依据人体生理学、解剖学和生物力学原理,通过对臀部和股区的解剖结构分析,提出了汽车人机界面的舒适体压分布的一般准则。
According to the theory of information-processed psychology, the teaching and learning strategies of nonage reading for infants include repeat, finish machining, organizing, cognizing and so on. 摘要从信息加工心理学的理论看,早期阅读的教与学的策略包括复述策略、精加工策略、组织策略和认知策略等。
According to the theory of mechanics and physical chemistry, a quantitative study is conducted on the mechanism of primary migration of oil and gas. 摘要根据力学和物理化学的有关理论,对油气初次运移问题进行了定量研究和分析。
According to the theory of mechanics of solids and fluids, the volume variation during rock compression is studied, and It is concluded that fluid or hydrocarbon expulsion in rocks is impossible during the period of rock compression. 根据固体力学和流体力学的有关理论,研究了岩石在压缩阶段的体积变化关系,得出了该阶段的岩石不可能排液、当然也就不可能排烃的结论。
According to the theory of optimum and the characteristics of parallel algorithm, an automatic history matching method of 3D and 3-facies black oil model is put forward. 根据最优化理论和并行计算方法的特点,提出了三维三相黑油模型自动历史拟合的一种方法。
According to the theory of plate tectonics and polycyclic opening-closing tectonics, Beishan area is divided into three first-order tectonic units, eight second-order tectonic units and twenty-six third-order tectonic units. 笔者结合区内的地质实际,拟定出一、二、三级构造单元划分和命名的一般原则;运用板块构造观点和多旋回开合构造理论,将本区共划分出3个一级构造单元,8个二级构造单元和26个三级构造单元;阐述了各构造单元主要地质特征。

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