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Mr Dalyell asks how it is right that post-devolution, Scottish MPs can vote at Westminster on matters solely to do with England, while English MPs do not have the same influence on that issue in Scotland, as it has been devolved to the Scottish Parliament

Mr Cox urged the Department of Justice to fall in behind it, but this week it declined to do so. 考克斯强烈希望能得到律政司的支持,但貌似在本周遭到拒绝。
Mr Craig was arrested after apparently making advances to an undercover policeman. 克雷格先生因为对一位警察密探进行性挑逗而被拘捕。
Mr Crake and Ms Mayr missed out the $30,000 on offer for completing the gruelling race in under 10 or 12 minutes respectively. 克勒克和梅耶如果各自能够在10秒和12秒内完成这项令人精疲力竭的比赛的话,就能获得3万美元奖金,遗憾的是他们都与其失之交臂。
Mr Crake, who has won a similar race up the Empire State Building five times, won US$5,920 in prize money. 克勒克先生曾5次获得帝国大厦登高赛冠军,此次夺冠的奖金为5920美元。
Mr Dallek does not offer a comprehensive evaluation of the Nixon-Kissinger foreign policy. 达莱克没有对尼克松-基辛格的对外政策做综合评价,也没有提及布雷顿森林体系的瓦解。
Mr Dalyell asks how it is right that post-devolution, Scottish MPs can vote at Westminster on matters solely to do with England, while English MPs do not have the same influence on that issue in Scotland, as it has been devolved to the Scottish Parliament 戴利埃尔问到,分权之后,为什么苏格兰议会议员仍然可以在西敏寺就英格兰事务投票,而英格兰议员却不可以在分权之后的苏格兰议会投票。
Mr Danial is our financial adviser. 丹尼尔先生是我们的财政顾问。
Mr Davis asked a friend to grease the wheels so he could borrow money from the bank. 戴维斯先生请一个朋友去疏通关系以便使他能从银行里借到钱。
Mr Davis insists that McKinsey was innocent of any wrongdoing. 戴维斯先生坚称,麦肯锡没有任何不法行为。
Mr Davis is the first McKinsey managing director to lead the firm from outside the US, although the spare, unlived-in look of his London loft office hints at how much time he has spent elsewhere since McKinsey's senior partners elected him as their head a 但他在伦敦的那间顶层办公室看上去空空荡荡,没人使用,这意味着自一年前麦肯锡的高级合伙人选他为公司领导人以来,他有很多时间都不在伦敦。
Mr Davis says business is now picking up, both for McKinsey and its clients. 戴维斯先生说,如今麦肯锡及其客户的业务都在回升。

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