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At the end of the day the new manager is no better than the previous one.
从各个方面来看, 这位新经理并不比前任强.

At the end of the cord will be a fractured piece of soul, a part of the unconscious, some lost ancestors and information that requires integration for the schism to be healed. 在连线的尽头将是一些灵魂的碎片﹑一部分无意识或一些迷失的祖先和信息,那是需要整合以疗愈分裂的。
At the end of the course you will be graded on your four essays, short writing exercises, oral presentations and general class and section attendance/participation. 期末将以四篇论文,短篇写作练习,口头报告和共同课程及分组课程的出席率及课堂参与作为成绩计算标准。
At the end of the course, students' current level of English competence and students' views towards TSI were statistically examined. 课程退出后,利用统计方法检验学生之英文成效及渠等对此师生交互模式之看法。
At the end of the day all the people were tired out. 最终所有人都筋疲力尽,牛群也因为缺水而无法拖着沉重的车子前进。
At the end of the day one must decide for oneself about religion. 一切都安顿好了,人们就得考虑宗教的事了。
At the end of the day the new manager is no better than the previous one. 从各个方面来看, 这位新经理并不比前任强.
At the end of the day, I think it'll go down to a blind auction. 最终,我认为这笔转会将会以秘密竞价的方式结束。”
At the end of the day, Kobe plays full season and knows how to win games. 而对于晚上的比赛,科比能打满整个赛季,他知道如何去赢得比赛。
At the end of the day, all the people were tired out. 天黑时所有人都筋疲力尽,牛群也因为缺水而拖不动沉重的车子。
At the end of the day, he's probably a long-shot to get drafted. 在选秀那天,他会是一个高风险,高回报的选择。
At the end of the day, not only do we write great songs, but we have a natural strangeness about us that makes us interesting. 每晚我们除了要写些好歌以外,还会做些自然而奇妙的有趣事儿。

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