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In addition, sepsis can cause damage to or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves and skeletal muscles, leading to conditions called critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) and critical illness myopathy (CIM).

In addition, profit pursuing makes people exploit nature unlimitedly and blindly without considering the potential damage that we can do to nature, and more important, to human beings . 另外,对利益的追逐会使得人们对自然资源无度地、盲目地进行开发,完全不顾这会对自然,更重的是对我们人类带来潜在的破坏。
In addition, prompt hospitalization gives patients the best chance of receiving possibly life-saving care should their condition take a critical course. 另外,及时住院给予患者最好的护理机会,如果他们的病情危急,这种护理也许起到挽救生命的作用。
In addition, salt and one protein common in meat lead to more calcium in the urine, which in turn contributes to the formation of kidney stones, Bushinsky said. Bushinsky说,此外,盐和肉中的常见蛋白质导致尿中有较多的钙,这样就促使肾结石的形成。
In addition, scientists working for the program also confirmed on Sunday the finding of two homologous SARS coronaviruses in animals from the Netherlands and Hong Kong, China respectively. 另外,负责该项目的科学家们本周日证实:已经在荷兰、香港和中国分别找到了两种相似的SARS冠状病毒。
In addition, senior police staff in America is democratically elected, so if there is any scandal about someone practicing favoritism and committing irregularities, it will be almost impossible for him to serve another term of office. 此外,美国各地的警方高层人员都是民选产生,如果发生徇私舞弊的丑闻,想谋求连任将十分困难。
In addition, sepsis can cause damage to or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves and skeletal muscles, leading to conditions called critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) and critical illness myopathy (CIM). 此外,败血症也会使周边神经和骨骼肌受到损伤或功能异常而导致重症疾病并多发性神经病变及重症疾病并肌肉病变。
In addition, service discovery—trader or broker, for example—as well as the actual services (yellow pages and weather forecast in our example) must also know which geospatial areas they serve. 另外,服务发现-例如:交易商或代理-以及实际服务的提供者(我们例子中的黄页和气象服务)必须也知道他们所服务的地理区域。
In addition, several classical chorus works, operas and the essence of Requiem in whizkid's short life are elaborately picked. 除此之外,更精心挑选数首神童短暂一生中的经典合唱作品以及歌剧、安魂曲选粹。
In addition, several operation suggestions have also been advised to enhance economic benefits of the hydropower station. 同时,从提高电站的经济效益考虑,对运行方式提出了建议。
In addition, she also likes to study Chinese. 除此之外,她也喜欢学习华语。
In addition, she also teaches Conference English at Da-Yeh University in Chang-Hua. 除此之外,她也在彰化的大叶大学教「会议英文」。

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