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Since then, I have been directly or indirectly involved with the commercial negotiations with Bernie Ecclestone.

Since then the position of flag carrier for Work-Shy CEO has remained unfilled. 自那以后,这个“怕工作首席执行官”的位置就一直空着。
Since then they have made common cause against what both see as the risk of American “hegemony”. 自那时起,他们就联合起来,反对他们视为风险的美国“霸权”。
Since then they have spread northward and all the way to the West Coast. 自那以后它们扩展到了北部以及通往西海岸所有道路。
Since then, Armstrong has been largely silent, declining interviews and shunning publicity. 自此之后,他大多保持沉默、婉拒访问,杜绝大众目光。
Since then, Fudan Microelectronics has successfully taken a dominant position of the ASIC industry in China. 公司成立以来,已成功地确立了在国内集成电路设计行业中举足轻重的地位。
Since then, I have been directly or indirectly involved with the commercial negotiations with Bernie Ecclestone. 自那时候开始,我就直接或者间接地参与了和伯尼-埃克斯莱顿的谈判。
Since then, I have never seen her again. 从那以后,我再也没有见过她。
Since then, Jesualdo Ferreira's side have thrashed Hamburg twice and won in Moscow. 但从那以后,波尔图接连战胜了汉堡和中央陆军。
Since then, Krall said he's invested multiple hundreds of thousands of dollarsto restore old buildings, remove dilapidated structures and clean up mounds of garbage. 克劳尔表示,自从买下小镇后,他已经投入了“大笔资金”用来修复老房子,拆除被损毁的建筑物以及清理数个垃圾堆等。
Since then, Tehran has released footage and letters that Iran says are confessions that the 15 entered Iranian waters. 从那时起,德黑兰已经发布了伊朗声称是15名士兵承认进入伊朗水域的录像和公开信。
Since then, Wang has escalated into prominence -- while Kuo spiraled into anonymity. 从此之后,小民逐步爬升到卓越的地位──小郭却一直没没无名。

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