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Methods:Tritiated thymin deoxyriboside ( H TdR)and H proline incorporation and Northern blot analysis were used.
方法:氚胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷( HTdR),氚脯氨酸参入及Northern杂交分析。

Methods:To compare Tennison 's method(to repair cases)with Millard's( 7cases)in clinic. 方法 :用三角瓣法修补单侧唇裂 例 ; 用旋转推进法修补 7例 ,并进行临床比较。
Methods:To determinate the activity of serum CK in normal gravidas, placenta accreta and placenta increta gravidas respectively. 方法:对 例正常产妇, 例胎盘粘连和例胎盘植入产妇分别测定其血清CK活性。
Methods:To observe the effects of Qinyiheji supersonic inhaler on ovalbumin asthma guiea pig model with bronchalveolar avage fluid(BALF) E_(0) 、IL- 、IL-、GM-CSF、SIL-R、NO as index. 方法:观察该方对卵白蛋白致敏哮喘动物模型支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中Eo、IL- 、IL-、GM-CSF、SIL-R、NO的影响。
Methods:To regulate and analyse about the achie vements in the study of Canavan recen tly. 方法对近年Cana-van研究成果加以整理分析。
Methods:To test 00 old people in comparison with the 00 members in healthy group by using urinate sugar test paper to test urinate sugar and using glucose oxydase to test blood sugar and blood sugar h after meal. 方法:对00例老年人与健康对照组0例用尿糖测定试纸测定尿糖,用葡萄糖氧化酶法测定血糖及餐后h血糖。
Methods:Tritiated thymin deoxyriboside ( H TdR)and H proline incorporation and Northern blot analysis were used. 方法:氚胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷( HTdR),氚脯氨酸参入及Northern杂交分析。
Methods:Using Langendorff perfusion technique,the ischemia reperfusion injury model was established by ceasing perfusion for minutes,and reperfusion for minutes. 方法:采用Langendorf灌流技术,以停灌注分钟、再灌注分钟造成缺血再灌注损伤模型,观察缺血预处理对缺血再灌注损伤心肌的保护作用,及洛沙坦(losartan)对这一作用的影响。
Methods:Using physiological saline to fill into the domestic rabbit's stomach (0 ml/single), 0 minutes later, Lingui Ganzao Decoction ig (weight∶0 ml/kg), recording urinate volume with BL-0 organism function experiment system. 方法 :家兔用生理盐水灌胃 ( 0 ml/只 ) ,0 min后以苓桂甘枣汤水煎液灌胃 (0 ml/kg体重 ) ,BL - 0生物机能实验系统记录排尿量。
Methods:Wavelength of Zinc Hallow Cathode Modulation( .9 nm) was used to determine zinc in water and food and then the wavelength was changed into copper wavelength( .8 nm) to determine copper in water and food without any change of determing condition. 方法:采用锌空心阴极灯波长( .9 nm)测定水与食品中锌,再把波长改变成铜的波长( .8 nm)其它测定条件不变,测定水与食品中铜。
Methods:applied the methods of Aschoff' entrainment,we obversed the phase response curve of electro-acupuncturing "Baihui"(Du0)、"Changqiang"(Du),8-OH-DPAT,and electro-acupuncture associated with 8-OH-DPAT on hamster spontaneous behavior circadian rhythm. 方法:运用Aschoff导引方法,对比观察电针“百会”、“长强”、8-OH-DPAT、电针+8-OH-DPAT对金黄地鼠自发活动近似昼夜节律的影响及其相位反应曲线特点。
MethodsA retrospective analysis was made in cases of TAD from September 998 to December 00 Of them, 87 received inguinal oblique incisions, hypogastric retroperitoneal incisio ns and retroperitoneal incisions prolonged by inguinal oblique incisions. 方法 回顾性分析 998年 9月至 0 0 年 月间胸主动脉夹层腔内隔绝术 例 ,其中选择腹股沟斜切口 87例 ,下腹部腹膜外切口 例 ,由腹股沟斜切口延长为下腹部斜切口 例。

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