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Rice acknowledged that a closed-door meeting in London of senior officials from the so-called P-Five Plus One grouping ended without an agreement Wednesday.

Ricardo Zonta will be at the wheel of the TF106 on Saturday and Sunday during the annual Monterey Historic Automobile Races. 在每年一度的蒙特瑞著名汽车赛期间,里卡多-宗塔将会驾驶着TF106赛车于周六和周日在那里现身。
Ricardo is an exceptional guy and a great player. 里卡多是一个非常优秀的球员。
Riccardo Muti fell on his baton and resigned from La Scala on April 2, ending his 19-year reign at Milan's glittering opera house. 里卡尔多·穆蒂于4月2日从史卡拉歌剧院辞职,结束了他在米兰星光灿烂的歌剧院长达19年的指挥工作.
Ricci G.Morphological characteristics of tendon cells cultured on synthatic fibers[J].J Biomed Mater Res,1984,18:1073. 杨志明,张前法,彭文珍.腱细胞与人工材料体外联合培养的形态学观察[J].中华手外科杂志,1997,13(2):100.
Rice J E,Vannucci R C,Brierley J B.The influence of immaturity on hypoxicischemic brain damage in the rat[J].Ann Neurol,1981,9:131134. 秦梅,王兴河,樊绍增,等.新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤亚低温干预大鼠模型的建立[J].上海实验动物医学,1999,19(2):7681.
Rice acknowledged that a closed-door meeting in London of senior officials from the so-called P-Five Plus One grouping ended without an agreement Wednesday. 赖斯承认,五常加一小组的高级官员星期三在伦敦的闭门会谈没有达成任何协议。
Rice also met with the editors and relatives of Anna Politkovskaya, the prominent investigative journalist murdered in Moscow two weeks ago. 赖斯也会见了安娜·的编辑及亲属,这位杰出的新闻调查记者两周前在莫斯科被谋杀。
Rice also, met with the editors and relatives of Anna Politkovskaya, the prominent investigative journalist,murdered in Moscow, two weeks ago. 赖斯也会见了一些编辑以及安娜波利特科夫斯卡娅的亲戚,安娜这名杰出的调查记者,两周前在莫斯科被谋杀。
Rice and President Bush met Sunday at the White House with Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal and other Saudis. 布什和赖斯在上周日在白宫与沙特阿拉伯的外交部长,王子等人会面。
Rice and Riceland food are, a big marketer in Arkansas, said one of its export buyers discovered their the underproved unapproved rice in generally January. 阿肯色州的一个商人说他的一个出口货物买主在一月份发现了这种未被批准的大米。
Rice arrived in Cairo Tuesday for talks with Egyptian leaders on pressuring Hamas to meet international demands and renounce violence and recognize Israel. 赖斯星期二抵达开罗,和埃及领导人商讨如何对哈马斯施加压力,要该组织接受国际社会的要求,放弃暴力,承认以色列。

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