Consisting of or covered with feathers.
有羽毛的由羽毛构成或覆盖的 |
Consisting of or divided into four parts.
由四部分构成的,或分成四部分的 |
Consisting of or operating several devices of one kind at the same time.
同时操作的同时操作某类部件或由某一类部件组成的 |
Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.
由关节连接的由关节连接组成部分的;连接的 |
Consisting of singer/guitarist Kele Okereke, guitarist Russell Lissack, bassist/singer Gordon Moakes, and drummer Matt Tong, the band was formerly known as Angel Range and Union before settling on Bloc Party.
由歌手兼吉他手凯里·欧克瑞克、吉他手罗索·里匝克、贝司手兼歌手高登·牟克斯和鼓手麦特·唐组成的这一乐队,曾以“天使牧场乐队”和“联合乐队”为名,后来才定名为“联合党乐队”。 |
Consisting or characteristic of prose.
散文的组成散文的或有散文特点的 |
Consists of baled paper, as typically generated by offices, containing primarily groundwood free paper, free of unbleached fibre. May include a small percentage of groundwood computer printout and facsimile paper.
经拣选的办公室废杂纸:不受潮办公室废杂纸,主要是白色及彩色不含磨木浆的杂纸,不含未经漂白的纤维。允许有少量含磨木浆的废电脑纸及传真纸。打包供货。杂物不得超过2%。不合格废纸总量不得超过5%。 |
Consists of baled unprinted, coated and uncoated shaings or sheets of white groundwood free printing paper.Prohibitie materials: None permitted。Total Outthrows may not exceed: 0.5%.
硬质白纸边:未经表面处理的白色证券纸,帐薄纸或书写纸和其纸边,打包供货。不得含有磨木浆,也不得带有印刷油墨。不允许混有杂物。不合格废纸总量不得超过0.5%。 |
Consists of baled unprinted, coated and uncoated shavings or sheets of white groundwood free printing paper.Prohibitive materials: None permitted。Total Outthrows may not exceed: 0.5%.
硬质白纸边:未经表面处理的白色证券纸,帐薄纸或书写纸和其纸边,打包供货。不得含有磨木浆,也不得带有印刷油墨。不允许混有杂物。不合格废纸总量不得超过0.5%。 |
Consists of coated bleached sulphite or suiphate papers,printed or unprinted in sheets shavings,guillotined books or quire waste.A reasonable percentage of papers containing fine groundwood may be included.
以漂白亚硫酸盐浆或漂白硫酸盐浆制得的纸张和其纸边,并包括切开的书籍或整刀废纸。这类纸张都是经过涂布加工的,可以带有印刷油墨,也可以没有印刷油墨,允许含有一定数量的磨木浆。 |
Consists of printed groundwood free bleachable manilla-coloured cards, which hae been manufactured for use in tabulating machines. This grade may contain maila-coloured tabulating cards with tinted margins.
白表格卡纸:主要用亚硫酸盐浆或硫酸盐浆制成的白表格卡纸,供表格编制机使用。带有印刷油墨。可以带划有颜色细线的白卡纸。不允许混有杂物。不合格废纸总量不得超过1%。 |