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[bbe] But Jesus said to them in answer, You are in error, not having knowledge of the Writings, or of the power of God.

[bbe] But God was turned from them and let them give worship to the stars of heaven, as it says in the book of the prophets, Did you make offerings to me of sheep and oxen for forty years in the waste land, O house of Israel? 神就转脸不顾、任凭他们事奉天上的日月星辰、正如先知书上所写的说、『以色列家阿、你们四十年间在旷野、岂是将牺牲和祭物献给我麽。
[bbe] But I am poor and in need; come to me quickly, O God; you are my help and my saviour; let there be no waiting, O Lord. 但我是困苦穷乏的。神阿,求你速速到我这里来。你是帮助我的,搭救我的。耶和华阿,求你不要耽延。
[bbe] But I have knowledge of your getting up and your resting, of your going out and your coming in. 你坐下,你出去,你进来,你向我发烈怒,我都知道。
[bbe] But Ishmael, the son of Nethaniah, got away from Johanan, with eight men, and went to the children of Ammon. 尼探雅的儿子以实玛利和八个人脱离约哈难的手,逃往亚扪人那里去了。
[bbe] But Jesus made answer and said, You have no idea what you are requesting. Are you able to take of the cup which I am about to take? 耶稣回答说、你们不知道所求的是甚麽.我将要喝的杯、你们能喝麽.他们说、我们能。
[bbe] But Jesus said to them in answer, You are in error, not having knowledge of the Writings, or of the power of God. 耶稣回答说、你们错了.因为不明白圣经、也不晓得神的大能。
[bbe] But Jesus, turning and seeing her, said, Daughter, take heart; your faith has made you well. And the woman was made well from that hour. 耶稣转过来看见他、就说、女儿、放心、你的信救了你.从那时候、女人就痊愈了。
[bbe] But Lot's wife, looking back, became a pillar of salt. 罗得的妻子在后边回头一看,就变成了一根盐柱。
[bbe] But Moses made prayer to God, saying, Lord, why is your wrath burning against your people whom you took out of the land of Egypt, with great power and with the strength of your hand? 为甚麽使埃及人议论说、他领他们出去、是要降祸与他们、把他们杀在山中、将他们从地上除灭.求你转意、不发你的烈怒、后悔、不降祸与你的百姓。
[bbe] But Noah had grace in the eyes of God. 惟有挪亚在耶和华眼前蒙恩。
[bbe] But Paul and Barnabas kept on in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of God, with a number of others. 但保罗和巴拿巴、仍住在安提阿、和许多别人一同教训人、传主的道。

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