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To enhance properties of the foaming agent, Sodium dodecyl sulfate, PEG2000, glutin and protein are chosen to compound with the sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate solution.

To endow those who love me with wealth, That I may fill their treasuries. 箴8:21使爱我的承受货财、并充满他们的府库。
To enforce the crackdown, police in many parts of the country have beaten stray or unregistered dogs to death, sometimes in front of their owners. 为了大力开展查抄活动,中国境内许多县市的警察将流浪犬及未注册的犬只殴打至死,有时甚至当着犬主人的面,将狗活活打死.
To enhance business culture of Jin merchantry and to explore its connotation and make it sere the present will exert great influence on the building and innovation of modern corporate culture. 弘扬晋商文化,挖掘其内涵,坚持古为今用,对现代企业文化的建设与创新将产生深刻的影响。
To enhance comparability, the same text, syllabus, assignments and examinations were used in both classes. The professor (who has over 12 years of experience teaching accounting) taught both sections. 为强化比较,两组使用同样的教学大纲、课程内容、指定作业和测验评量,并以一位有十二年教学经验的教授教导两组。
To enhance healthy development of the isolated afforestation region, and offer conditions for arrangement of indemnificatory residences, through scientific planning, design and implementation strategy. 通过科学的规划设计和实施策略,促进绿化隔离地区健康发展,并为安排保障性住宅提供条件。
To enhance properties of the foaming agent, Sodium dodecyl sulfate, PEG2000, glutin and protein are chosen to compound with the sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate solution. 为了探索提高发泡剂性能的方法,分别选用十二烷基磺酸钠、聚乙二醇、明胶和自制蛋白稳泡剂,对十二烷基苯磺酸钠进行了复配研究。
To enhance the automation of forensics, an automated categorization forensic method for history data of Web browsers based on Web classification technology was proposed in this paper, and a prototype system was implemented. 摘要为提高取证的自动化程度,提出了一种基于页面自动分类技术的浏览器历史数据取证算法,并设计实现了一个原型系统。
To enhance the overall efficiency and reliable logistics of the Legal Dept. 提高法律部的整体工作效能和后勤保障能力。
To enhance the publicity on internet, they publicized on Campus BBS. 加强网络宣传力度,主要在校园BBS进行宣传。
To enhance the quality of foam products. 提升发泡制品品质。
To enhance the stability of process and use-rate of machine. 工艺降耗,提高工艺制作稳定性,提高生产速度生产设备利用.

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