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B(shrug): Nothing, ’cause I'm on duty tomorrow.

B、As we all know that has no harm to human, whereas it can accelerate for sleeping. 对人体无害性早已众所周知,反之有促进睡眠的作用。
B、I prefer to make and execute tactical plans. 我愿意其制定和执行战术计划。
B、Speed and stealth is overrated. It is the superior firepower that ensures the destruction of the enemy. 速度与秘密行动的成果不应被过高估计,只有强大的火力才能确保摧毁敌军。
B、Well, he does what he does, and I do what I do. 嗯,他们做他们的事,我做我的事。
B、What shape is the flank of a taper? 圆锥的底面是()形,圆锥有()个底面。
B(shrug): Nothing, ’cause I'm on duty tomorrow. 耸肩):没有,我明天得值班。
B) All the reference books available are out of date. 所有找到的参考书都是过时的。
B) He has already done the work properly. 这项工作他已经完成得很不错了。
B) John cannot even move this stone, still less can he carry it away. 这块石头约翰连挪都挪不动,更不用说搬走了。
B)The phrase of a vault are composed of tak-of, pre-flight,repulsion, post-flight and landing. 跳马的步骤由踏起、第一腾空、推手、第二腾空和着地组成。
B)Yes, I heard him knock three times. 是的,我听到他敲了三下。

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