This is the first published toolkit for tackling global warming through more intelligent development, and it is free of hot air.
这也是第一部公开出版的,通过更多智能开发应对全球变暖的工具宝典。 |
This is the first real quest.
这是第一个要求。 |
This is the first report on the slime molds of the Matsu Islands.
摘要本文为连江县马祖列岛黏菌相之首篇报导,共报导三十种黏菌。 |
This is the first report that larvae hatched from T. canis embryonated eggs maintained for a long time can cause murine ocular toxocariasis.
本报告为首篇关于自长期培养的犬蛔虫卵孵育的幼虫可引起鼠眼部犬蛔虫症的研究。 |
This is the first reshuffle since the Abe cabinet was established last September; Abe was smashuped at democrat Senate election last month, and the cabinet sustain rate fall down to 20%.It is the important measure taken by the cabinet to consolidate regim
这是安倍内阁自去年9月成立以来首次全面改组,也是安倍在自民党上月参议院选举遭遇惨败、内阁支持率跌至20%左右的形势下,爲巩固政权采取的重要举措。 |
This is the first sandstorm in North Korea since spring this year.
这是今年入春以来朝鲜经历的第一场沙尘暴。 |
This is the first sequel book you've written.
这也是您有史以来的第一部续作。 |
This is the first spacewalk for the Endeavor crew that will also install other equipment they brought from earth.
这是奋进号宇航员第一次太空行走,他们还将安装从地球带去的其它设备。 |
This is the first spacewalk for the Endeavour crew that will also install other equipment they brought from earth.
这是奋进号航天飞机机组人员第一次太空作业,他们将安装更多从地球带去的设备。 |
This is the first stage of the English developmental process and is for children ages 3-6.
这是英国为3-6岁儿童在教育上所设计的发展过程的第一阶段。 |
This is the first step that we should take.
这是我们应该走的第一步。 |