Income from wages and salaries in excess of specified amounts shall be taxed at progressive rates ranging from 5 percent to 45 percent (see the appended tax rate schedule).
一、工资、薪金所得,适用超额累进税率,税率为百分之五至百分之四十五(税率表附后)。 |
Income housing loans to the amount of liabilities to be suitable?
各收入阶层贷款买房到底应负债多少才合适? |
Income inequality is often claimed to be a strong determinant of happiness, and this “fact” used to argue for more progressive taxation.
人们往往主张,收入不平等是幸福与否的重要决定因素,而这一“事实”被用作增加累进税收的理由。 |
Income measures do not do full justice to the extent of the improvement in the world's poor, for they take no account of advances in life expectancy and general health.
从收入水平来衡量并不能完全公允的反映在消除世界贫穷上所取得的进步,因为他们没有包括预期寿命和日常健康上所取得的进步。 |
Income received or receivable from marketable securities in cur-rent period and the difference between the receipt obtained from securities sold and book cost shall be all accounted for as cur-rent profit or loss.
当期的有价证券收益以及有价证券转让所取得的收入与帐面成本的差额记入当期损益。 |
Income redistribution may promote the economic growth when agents do not have access to credit market.
当信贷不可得时,再分配可以促进经济增长。 |
Income reeeived or receivable from marketable securities in currenl period and the difference between the receipt obtained from securities sold and book cost shall be all accounted for as current profit or loss.
当期的有价证券收益,以及有价证券转让所取得的收入与帐面成本的差额,计入当期损益。 |
Income tax exemption can be applied for in purchasing domestically made equipment by commercial networks in the course of new constructions, expansions and renovations; income taxes of chain enterprises can be paid by the headquarters uniformly; and water
商业网点新建、扩建、改建过程中购买国产设备的可申请抵免所得税;连锁企业可由总部统一交纳所得税;确实有困难的可减免水利建设资金。 |
Income tax: indicating the income tax expenses payable in the current period.
九所得税:指本期应负担之所得税费用。 |
Incomes of qualified not-for-profit organizations.
(四)符合条件的非营利组织的收入。 |
Incomes of workers and staff members in the state-owned enterprises and collective work-units are still the mainstay of families' income.
工人和职员在国营和集体企业里的收入仍是家庭的主要收入。 |