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If we can\'t speak in English ,can\'t understand what they say,we can\'t connect with them.

If we can win the good start,things will go smooth from now on. 如果能赢得开门红的话,以后的事情就会顺利了。
If we can't afford a car, we'll just have to do without (one). 我们要是买不起汽车, 也就只好不用(汽车)了.
If we can't go over the mountain we must go round it. 如果我们翻越不了这座山,就得绕过它走。
If we can't go over the mountain, we have to go around it. 如果我们不能翻越那座山,就只好绕过它。
If we can't keep to the schedule, we'll be in (a lot of) trouble. 我们不按时完成计画就要倒(大)霉了.
If we can\'t speak in English ,can\'t understand what they say,we can\'t connect with them. 如果我们不会说英语,不能听懂他们所说。我们就不能与他们交流。
If we cannot agree, let's vote on it. 咱们意见要是不一致就表决吧。
If we cannot make convincing cases for them without scientific proofthat they make people happy, we are morally adrift. 如果,在没有科学证据的情况下,我们就不能令人信服地证明这些因素使人们幸福,那么我们在道德上就陷于不确定状态。
If we cannot prove that it's safe, than we don't want to go there,deputy shuttle program manager Wayne Hale told reporters at Mission Control in Houston. 如果我们不能保证航天飞行的安全,我们就不会让航天飞机进入太空,”航天飞机飞行任务副总管维恩·黑尔在位于休斯敦的地面控制中心接受记者采访时说。
If we change one part of the nature order, this will in (its) turn almost certainly bring about changes in some other part. 如果我们改变了自然界规则的一个部分,那么这转而会带来其他某个部分的改变。
If we change places you will be able to see better from here. 假如我们换换位子的话,你从这儿会看得更清楚。

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