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Psychologically there are 2 dangers to be guarded against in old age.

Psychological metaphor has underwent several historical change which were from thing to person, from passive to active, from negative to positive, from individual to society, psychotherapy pattern has underwent several which were from objectivism to subje 心理隐喻经历了由物到人、由被动到主动、由消极到积极、由个体到社会的历史变迁,心理治疗模式经历了一个由客观主义到主观主义,由反映论到建构论的转换,这种变迁和转换促进了心理治疗方法的进步,推动了心理治疗过程中医患关系的改善,为心理治疗模式的整合提供了新的框架。
Psychological qualities of college physical education (PE) teachers play a very important role in modern education. 摘要高校体育教师的心理素质在现代教育中的作用十分重要。
Psychological questions such as: sensitive interpersonal relationship, anxious psychology, despondence, introversion, instability, self-abasement, and overweight psychological burden are universal existence in impoverished college students. 摘要贫困大学生普遍存在着人际关系敏感、心理焦虑、抑郁、内向和不稳定、自卑和心理负担过重等心理问题。
Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that help memory: meaningfulness, organization, association, and visualization. It is useful to know how these principles work. 心理学家的研究工作已把焦点对准了增强记忆的基本方法上了,这些基本方法就是:赋予意义、信息编组、建立联想、直观形象。知道支用这些方法是很有用的。
Psychological research tells us that men, on average, overestimate their achievements, while women, on average, underestimate theirs. 心理学研究告诉我们,大多数男性都会过高地估计自己的成就,然而大多数女性则会低估了自己所取得的成就。
Psychologically there are 2 dangers to be guarded against in old age. 从心理角度来说,老年时期要提防两种危险。
Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. 从心理角度来说,进入老年时代,面临两个危机需要警惕。
Psychologically, Philemon represents superior insight to Jung. 从心理角度看,腓利门代表了高于容格的洞察力。
Psychologically, people tend to be Bayesian—to the extent of often making false connections. 从心理学的角度来讲,人们倾向于贝伊斯的思维—从某种程度来讲,也就是做出一些错误的关联。
Psychologically,having it all is not even a valid concept. 从心理学角度说,拥有一切甚至都不是一个有意义的概念。
Psychologist Dr Colin Gill says: By the age seven children have formed the characters that will dictate what jobs they go for. 心理学家科林·吉尔说:孩子七岁的时候就能形成一定的性格,而这一性格将支配他今后从事什么样的工作。

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