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On the basis of the above, taking Zhanjiang City as the example, it the existing problems of biological diversity protection in Zhanjiang City, and raised that the biological diversity protection system was built under the guide of sustainable development

1 On the basis of text interpretation of Introduction to Metaphysics, this paper analyzes Heidegger's elitism position having unique visual angle, reveals the philosophy turn and the paradox therein, and reached the following thought: the opposition between 已记 看解释
2 On the basis of the EU regulations we cannot air compressor practise. We need all documentatio including plans, proof records in English. 已记 看解释
3 On the basis of the Proposal, the State Council prepared the Outline of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (draft), which has been submitted to this session for your examination and approval. 已记 看解释
4 On the basis of the Theory of Stylability Development Curve (SDC), through the methodology and the concept used in Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), this research qualitatively analyzed the influential factors that affect the development of product appearance, a 已记 看解释
5 On the basis of the US experience in this field, the following ideas are raised for formulating the standards for ecological protection and rehabilitation in mining activities in China: (1) every step of the mining activities that may affect the ecologica 已记 看解释
6 On the basis of the above, taking Zhanjiang City as the example, it the existing problems of biological diversity protection in Zhanjiang City, and raised that the biological diversity protection system was built under the guide of sustainable development 已记 看解释
7 On the basis of the above, the author studied and analyzed the relations between soil surface resistance and evaporation and main factors that influence the evaporation. 已记 看解释
8 On the basis of the analysis of characteristics of social type transformation during its speedup time in contemporary China, two basic concepts are proposed: degree of social type transformationand trend of social type transformation. 已记 看解释
9 On the basis of the analysis of the functional characteristic of the integration of AM/FM/GIS/SCADA, this paper describes the system's function design and logical design and proposes an integrated system structure of sewage dealing based on AM/FM/GIS/SCAD 已记 看解释
10 On the basis of the analysis of the hypothesis in surface-consistent model, the conjugate gradient method is applied to decompose the seismic record in time domain in terms of the surface-consistent precondition and model. 已记 看解释
11 On the basis of the analysis of the methods for single band image texture, this paper presents the concept of multispectral texture applying the relativity analysis of local area and the variant characteristics of multi-dimensional coding to represent the 已记 看解释

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