The trine formed between Mars and Neptune suggests a successful integration of forceful action and dreams.
火星跟海王星之间形成的三分相暗示着有力行动及梦想的成功整合。 |
The trine formed between Mars and Saturn shows that you are a good soldier who always finishes assigned duties.
火星跟土星之间形成的三分相显示你是个良好的军人,会一直完成指定职务。 |
The trine formed between Mars and Uranus shows originality and enthusiasm in your actions.
火星跟天王星之间形成的三分相显示出你行动中的原创性及热情。 |
The trinity in Christianity refers to the union of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
基督教义中的三位一体指的是圣父、圣子和圣灵。 |
The trio arrived in Australia yesterday aboard a private jet.
福特一家三人是昨天乘坐私人飞机抵达澳大利亚的。 |
The trio had fallen off a ledge Sunday and had to hole up until rescue crews could find them Monday morning.
三人于周日掉进岩架,不得不躲避起来,直到周一早晨营救队员找到他们。 |
The trio had fallen off a ledge Sunday and had to hole up until rescue crews could find them on Monday morning.
三人于周日跌落悬崖,直到周一早晨才被营救队员发现,在此之前他们不得不躲藏起来。 |
The trio have yet to agree new deals at Stamford Bridge with contract talks stalling between all parties.
这三人目前还没有与球队签署新的工作合同,但是与他们之间的谈判仍在进行。 |
The trio were all there, and Robben played the last 20 minutes, but they will be relatively fresh on Saturday afternoon.
以上三人都随队去了保加利亚人的客场,罗本还在比赛的最后二十分钟替换上场,但是,他们都可以在星期六下午比赛之前完全恢复。 |
The trio's adoptive mother, a mixed breed farm dog called Huani,is expected to nurse them for about a month or until their appetites outpace her supply, Chen said.
陈育才指出,这3胞胎的养母、称做「华妮」的农家杂种母狗,预定哺乳约一个月,或者直到它的奶水不足喂饱它们为止。 |
The trio, who studied at Central St Martins College of Art &Design in London, devised the Dog Poo Spray - a can of Coloured liquid nitrogen, which freeze dog poo on to a stick when it is sprayed, allowing it to be more easily picked up and disposed of.
这个来至于伦敦中央圣马丁艺术设计学院的三人组,想出了狗狗便便喷-一种罐装彩色液化氮喷雾,通过喷在插了小棍子的狗粪上来使其冷冻僵硬,从而使其能很轻易的被拾起并扔进垃圾桶。 |