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But there is something especially hard to communicate about roles of symmetry in basic physics, particularly because these roles are often very abstract, and they frequently depend upon the highly non-intuitive and confusing fundamental principles of quan

But there is one honest, likable, average kind of guy who became a superstar. His name? Tom Hanks. 但是,有一位诚实、可亲的普通人变成了超级巨星。他的名字叫做汤姆.汉克斯。
But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty, and I dare say very agreeable. 译文〗可是她的一个妹妹就坐在你后面,她也很漂亮,而且我敢说,她也很讨人爱。
But there is one place where their numbers are increasing: the swampy mangrove forests of the Sunderbans in West Bengal, India. 但是,只有一处则不减反增,那就是西孟加拉桑德班斯的沼泽红树林区。
But there is one question that is rarely asked: even if a downturn is in the offing, should the Fed try to prevent it? 但是肯定没有人提出,就算衰退来临,联储该不该实施防御。
But there is one work which,perhaps more than any other,expresses the spirit of the Renaissance:the Mona Lisa. 但可能有一部作品,比其它任何作品都能更表现文艺复兴的精神,那就是《蒙娜丽莎》。
But there is something especially hard to communicate about roles of symmetry in basic physics, particularly because these roles are often very abstract, and they frequently depend upon the highly non-intuitive and confusing fundamental principles of quan 但对于基本物理来说,对称的角色的定位模糊,特别是这些角色经常是非常抽象的,并且经常与于量子力学高度非直觉的基本原则混淆。
But there is something even worse than money under the surface of this social world. 但是这个社交界外表底下尚有比金钱更糟糕的东西。
But there is something in this. 但是,剧本和它有相似之处。
But there is something special about putting on clothes that are pleasing to the eye. 但是穿上衣服之后,就会有一些特殊的东西,感觉很养眼。
But there is still a deep blue in her eyes, the woman does not smile back. (但是女子眼中仍然是挥之不去的深深忧伤,她并没有微笑,而是略带怜悯的看着眼前的两人微微摇头。
But there is still a long way to go; the much broader S&P 500 index[2] is 12% below its peak, and the NASDAQ composite is less than half its high. 但仍然是其路漫漫;覆盖面更广的标准普尔指数低于峰值12%,而纳斯达克综合指数不到原来最高点的一半。

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