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Anti-tumor effect of tremella polysaccharide and 5-fluorouracil combination in mice implanted with sarcoma 180 and hepatocarcinoma 22;

Comparison of genomic DNA exuraction of Aristichthys nobilis; 鳙鱼不同组织基因组DNA提取方法的探讨
Rapid propagation of Rubus chingii by plant tissue culture; 应用组织培养对覆盆子快速繁殖的研究
Oxygen-ozone injection for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation:clinical therapeutic effect analysis with 162 cases; 应用臭氧椎间盘注射治疗腰椎间盘突出症162例临床探讨
Effect of nucleus pulposus allografted into epidural space on the expressions of TNF-α and IL-1 in rat′s dorsal root ganglion neurons; 硬膜外腔植入髓核对大鼠脊髓背根神经节TNF-α和IL-1表达的影响
A Review of the Western Values Reflected In English Proverbs; 英语格言中西方主要价值观念评价
Anti-tumor effect of tremella polysaccharide and 5-fluorouracil combination in mice implanted with sarcoma 180 and hepatocarcinoma 22; 银耳孢糖合用氟尿嘧啶对肉瘤S_(180)和肝癌H_(22)小鼠的抗肿瘤作用
Synthesis of anion and it's performance flocculant in flocculating and dewatering; 阴离子絮凝剂的合成及絮凝和脱水性能研究
The application of allograft interbody fusion cage to anterior cervical spine interbody fusion; 异体骨椎间融合器在颈椎前路融合术中的应用价值
New process of isobutyric acid from isobutyraldehyde by water oxidation; 异丁醛加水氧化制异丁酸新工艺
Aspergillus wentti F-891,which had been treated with 60Co,was screened as the strain to convert fumaric acid to L-malic acid in 1000 L fermentor by submerged fermentation. 以延胡索酸为原料,经60C o诱变后获得优良菌株温特曲霉A spergillus w enttiF-891,在1000L罐中液体深层发酵生产L-苹果酸。
With silver carp fish as the raw material, the single factor experiment was combined with orthogonal tests to studymanufacturing of soft can of fragrant silver carp fishes. 以鲢鱼为原料,利用单因素试验和正交实验相结合的方式研究了鲢鱼软罐头的制作工艺。

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