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According to the curves and equations of the speed, acceleration and displacement about the pallet car given in this paper, the actual tooth profile equation had been presented.

According to the critics' active argumentations, the authors' common practice, and the readers' wide approval, the genres of literature, or genology, should be accepted as the types of literary-style, which include not only the style of linguistic form, b 根据历来批评积极论证、作家共同践行和读者普遍认同,所谓“文学类型”或“文类”应理解为文学体例的类别,既包括语言形式的体例,又包括题材内容的体例。
According to the crown growth characteristics in industrial Eucalyptus stand of short rotation, the unit step function model was put forward for the process with changing point of short rotation Eucalyptus clones U6 based on the survey practical stands. 摘要针对短轮伐期桉树人工林林分冠幅生长的特点,在现实林分调查的基础上,模拟提出了适合有变点的短轮伐期桉树U6无性系林分冠幅生长阶跃函数模型。
According to the crux of the problem, the paper further provides a new thinking way for resolving the troublesome problem from small and medium-sized enterprises's, commercial banks' and the government's angle. 进一步根据问题症结,从中小企业、商业银行、政府等多方面为解决中小企业间接融资难问题提供了一种新的思考视角。
According to the current requirement of communication system, Alcatel Shanghai Bell (ASB) is able to provide a whole set of solutions and products in railway traffic region and highway private network region. 根据目前通信系统的需求,上海贝尔阿尔卡特在轨道交通领域和高速公路专网领域能够提供整套方案和产品。
According to the current technology, the development of portable media player is forecasted. 根据当前的技术发展状况,对便携式媒体播放器的发展作出了展望。
According to the curves and equations of the speed, acceleration and displacement about the pallet car given in this paper, the actual tooth profile equation had been presented. 根据台车进行变加速运动的速度、加速度和位移曲线,推导出了实际齿廓方程。
According to the curves, the fatigue life under different reliability can be yielded. 讨论了当应力存在横向分布时的可靠度和疲劳寿命的计算方法。
According to the customs statistics, such kind of trade, although showing as Sino-Japanese trade, is actually China's nominal tradefor China. 在海关统计上,这种贸易虽表现为中日贸易,但实质上对中国而言仅仅是中国名义贸易。
According to the cutout charactoristic data of the lower reaches of the Yellow River,and using mathematical statistcs methods, the paper analyses the correlative relations among the cutout days,cutout length and the amounts of the silt accumulation in the 根据黄河下游1972~1997年断流特征观测数据,应用数理统计的方法,分析了黄河下游断流河长、断流历时和泥沙淤积量之间的相关关系.
According to the data analysis results at home and abroad, the paper presents that tracer can be used in tracking fluid flowing and monitoring program performance. 证明示踪剂的跟踪和监测技术对方案调整、指导开发具有重要意义。
According to the data from Chinese National Statistics of 2002, the procedure of the method is demonstrated and the 1.4073 of investment multiplier in URT is obtained. 并利用2002年中国投入产出流量表的数据,对提出的方法进行了示例计算,得到了城市轨道交通投资乘数为1.4073的计算结果。

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