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The famous story teller capped the old story by telling a better and more interesting one.

The famous semi-conductor manufacturer's second-quarter profit fell short of expectations and most industry analysts were both surprised and a little worried. 那家著名的半导体制造商第二季度的利润低于预期,大多数行业分析师都对此感到惊讶,并略感忧虑。
The famous sexy robots in Japan are produced using an airbrush. 那些性感的日本机器人就是用喷枪绘制成的。
The famous social psychology experiments of the 1960s [see “The Effects of Observing Violence,” by Leonard Berkowitz; Scientific American, February 1964] used electric shock, but safety concerns have largely removed that as an option. 1960年代,著名的社会心理学实验使用电击,但是基于安全的考量,我们放弃做这种尝试。
The famous speech, given by Diana's younger brother, the Earl of Spencer, at her funeral in London, with its barely contained hostility toward his royal in-laws, moved many people at the time but was in fact an exercise of extraordinary hauteur. 黛安娜最年轻的兄弟史宾社伯爵在她伦敦的葬礼上发表了一场著名的谈话,感动了当时不少听众,而实际上,这不过是一场傲慢的仪式。
The famous star made an appearance at the movie premiere. 那位著名的明星出现在那部电影的首映日。
The famous story teller capped the old story by telling a better and more interesting one. 著名的故事员把这个旧故事加以改进,讲了一个更好更有趣的故事。
The famous tower of Pisa leans at an angle. 有名的比萨塔是斜的.
The famous turbine engine lab has hired some idiots to clean the lab for them, because idiots won't gas about the lab. 这没什么奇怪的,有名的涡轮引擎研究室曾雇佣白痴来帮他们打扫,因为白痴不会乱捅实验室的内部情况。
The famous violinist could only give his best performance when he was hopped up. 那位著名的小提琴手只有服用兴奋剂后才能作出精湛的表演。
The famous white cliffs, immortalized in song and verse, face the Strait of Dover, the narrowest point of the Channel separating England and France. 诗词歌赋中广为传诵的多佛白崖对面就是多佛海峡,位于隔断英法的海峡最窄处。
The famous words of Lord Acton, a 19th-century historian, were quoted in another: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 另有人引用19世纪历史学家阿克顿勋爵的名言说“绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败。”

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