At its Washington office, young employees in their 20s and early 30s are doing a brisk business designing Web sites for clients, running blogs and administering email groups.
在华盛顿的办事处,二十几岁到三十出头的年轻职员活跃地为客户设计网页,运转博客和管理电子邮件组。 |
At its base level, it increases threat by 60%: So, for every 10 points of Holy damage you do, you will gain an extra 6 threat.
它的基本等级(正义之怒)是将仇恨放大60%,也就假设说10点的神圣攻击,那你将能得到10点神圣攻击外再加上6点得仇恨量。 |
At its best, it is a compendious, portmanteau-like repository that captures “the concrete, everyday, corporeal nature of life”.
最好的小说语言简明,却能包罗万象,抓住日常生活真实、具体而实在的本质。 |
At its climax, the Hunan peasant movement formed a leftisttidal wave.
摘要湖南农民运动在斗争高潮中形成了一股“左”的浪潮。 |
At its conclusion the summit published the Accra Declaration.
此次峰会最终发表了阿克拉宣言。 |
At its core, the blues has remained the same since its inception.
其核心自打其出现一直保持不变。 |
At its farthest end, three glaciers meet to dump their effluvia into the milky grey glacial water, launching massive igloo icebergs into the lake with thunderous splashes.
在最远的一端,三条冰河汇聚到一处,将硕大的冰块注入奶白色的河流中,冰块互相碰撞,水花四溅,形成令人叹为观止的奇景。 |
At its harshest, it has a passive-aggressive quality, but it can work as a sedative diffusing shock and fear on a subconscious level.
紫色最不悦人的一点就是它消极被动的特质,但能发挥镇定剂的作用,减少潜意识层的震惊和恐惧。 |
At its height, the Bronze Mustache case accounted for huge traffic increases on China's Internet bulletin boards, including a nearly 10 percent increase in daily traffic on Tianya, the bulletin board with the most users.
在顶峰时期,铜须门导致了中国互联网论坛的巨大访问量增长,包括拥有大量用户的天涯论坛10%的每日访问量增长. |
At its high point,the country reached as far as Siberia (now of Russia)in the North Korea in the east and Vietnam in the south.
最鼎盛的时候,唐朝的疆域北至西伯利亚(现属俄罗斯),东至当时的朝鲜,南到越南。 |
At its insistence, resolution 1718 authorises governments to inspect goods—as China is apparently doing at some land crossings—but it does not oblige them to do so.
在他的坚持下,1718号决议授权各国政府检查输入北朝鲜的货物——很明显中国正在在一些陆路口岸这样做——但决议不强迫这些国家这样做。 |