Speculation that Chelsea might move for Buffon was raised when another member of his entourage, Paolo Fabbri, told The Sun that he could not rule out a move.
法布力是这场沸沸扬扬的转会传闻的发起者,他告诉太阳报布冯对转会可能无能为力。 |
Speculation!Proof we need,before taking this to the council.
思索!我们需要证据,在向长老会禀告之前. |
Speculation, if allowed to get out of hand, can produce unexpected and unsatisfactory results, and you may have a tendency to go off the deep end in handling financial matters.
如果投机活动超出控制之外的话,可以带来难以估计及无法令人满意的结果,而且你可能在处理钱财事务时,变得怒不可遏。 |
Speculation-is a dangerous way of trying to make fortune.
做投机买卖是一种很危险的谋财之道。 |
Speculation: A high-risk investment strategy aimed at making quick, substantial gains from the buying or selling of stocks, currencies or other assets.
投机:旨在通过买卖股票、货币或其他资产牟取暴利的一种高风险投资策略。 |
Speculative money which flowed into commodity markets as returns on stocks and bonds plummeted will probably flee if prices don't rebound, or if returns elsewhere become more attractive.
在石油市场以股票或期货形式出现的投机资金将会因为没有获利而撤出,转投到其他更有吸引力的地方。 |
Speculative traders in Chicago last week racked up the highest number of long-euro, short-dollar contracts on record.
上周,芝加哥的投机性交易商成交的欧元多头、美元空头合约创下历史纪录。 |
Speculators are thick on the ground-literally speaking. They buy up land, sit on it for a year of two and resell for several times what they paid.
不夸张地说,投机商多得很,他们买下土地,然后放它个一两年,再以几倍于以前的价格卖出去。 |
Speculators are thick on the ground. They buy up land, sit on it for a month or two and resell for twice what they paid.
投机者多得很,他们买下土地,搁置一两个月后又以双倍的价格卖出去。 |
Speech Topic : How to choose MOSFET for charge control switch of portable devise?
演讲题目:如何选择MOSFET做为可携式电器的充电控制开关? |
Speech and drama classes provide opportunities for children to talk and engage with language, developing fluency and confidence in expressing their ideas,' she said.
「演说和戏剧课程提供孩子说的机会,并与语言发生关联,可以让孩子再表达自己的想法时既流利与自信。」 |