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Article 50 When a pilot-in-command received SOS signals from a ship or another aircraft, or discovered a ship or an aircraft and the persons therein in distress, he shall report the state of distress in time to the nearest air traffic control unit and giv

Article 50 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, when examining an application for a patent at its own discretion in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 35 of the Patent Law, notify the applicant accordingly. 第五十条国务院专利行政部门依照专利法第三十五条第二款的规定对专利申请自行进行审查时,应当通知申请人。
Article 50 The electricity price for agriculture shall be set in accordance with the principles of cost compensationand marginal profit. 第五十条农业用电价格按照保本、微利的原则确定。
Article 50 The expenses paid in current period but attributable to the current and future periods shall be distributed and accounted into current and future periods. 第五十条本期支付应由本期和以后各期负担的费用,应当按一定标准分配计入本期和以后各期。
Article 50 The right of mortgage may not be separated from the creditor's rights and transferred singly, nor used to secure other creditors' rights. 第五十条抵押权不得与债权分离而单独转让或者作为其他债权的担保。
Article 50 The trustor or the heritor thereof may rescind the trust if the trustor is the only beneficiary. 第五十条委托人是唯一受益人的,委托人或者其继承人可以解除信托。
Article 50 When a pilot-in-command received SOS signals from a ship or another aircraft, or discovered a ship or an aircraft and the persons therein in distress, he shall report the state of distress in time to the nearest air traffic control unit and giv 第五十条机长收到船舶或者其他航空器的遇险信号,或者发现遇险的船舶、航空器及其人员,应当将遇险情况及时报告就近的空中交通管制单位并给予可能的合理的援助。
Article 50 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 24 of this Law, mines coal with toxic or harmful substances, such as radioactive and arsenic, that exceed the prescribed limits, shall be ordered to close down by the peo 第五十条违反本法第二十四条第三款规定,开采含放射性和砷等有毒有害物质超过规定标准的煤炭的,由县级以上人民政府按照国务院规定的权限责令关闭。
Article 51 A small-scaled limited liability company with only a few shareholders may have an executive director without establishing a board of directors. 第五十一条:有限责任公司,股东人数较少和规模较小的,可以设一名执行董事,不设立董事会。
Article 51 Before giving an award, an arbitration tribunal may first attempt to conciliate. 第五十一条仲裁庭在作出裁决前,可以先行调解。
Article 51 Citizens of the People's Republic of China, in exercising their freedoms and rights, may not infringe upon the interests of the state, of society or of the collective, or upon the lawful freedoms and rights of other citizens. 第五十一条中华人民共和国公民在行使自由和权利的时候,不得损害国家的、社会的、集体的利益和其他公民的合法的自由和权利。
Article 51 Commercial banks should keep financial accounting reports, business contracts and other data in accordance with relevant State regulations. 第五十一条商业银行应当按照国家有关规定保存财务会计报表、业务合同以及其他资料。

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