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Meanwhile, Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, General Richard Myers, arrived in Baghdad for a visit intended to boost morale among the troops.

Meanwhile, Mr Gore appears to be enjoying the limelight. 同时,戈尔似乎乐于成为公众的焦点。
Meanwhile, Non-tariff barrier impels Chinese enterprises to advance the technical innovation, implement the Intellectual property, heighten manageable level, upgrade the domain and production framework, carry through combination and cooperation between en 同时,非关税壁垒又促使中国企业加大技术创新力度,实施知识产权战略,提高管理水平,提升产业和产品结构,进行企业之间的联合和协作,改善生态环境,走内涵式的发展道路,加强对国际市场的调查和研究,有利于提高中国企业的市场竞争力,为改善其未来的外贸出口局面,扩大更大赢利空间创造了条件。
Meanwhile, Old daddy heard Wave flower's soliloquy bout her love to Liang Shan Bo, and a deception of him came out. 此时,老爹听到浪花儿倾诉对梁山伯的爱意和无能为力,心生一计。
Meanwhile, Oliver Cromwell and the “Rump” declared England a commonwealth. In December 1653,by an Instrument of Government, he became Lord Protector of the commonwealth of England. 克伦威尔用“小议会”取代“残余国会”,1653.12,根据《施政文件》,他成了英格兰共和国护国会。
Meanwhile, Pakistan was jolted early Friday by another strong aftershock. 同时,巴基斯坦星期五早上又有强烈余震发生。
Meanwhile, Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, General Richard Myers, arrived in Baghdad for a visit intended to boost morale among the troops. 与此同时,五角大楼的参谋长联席会议主席理查德·迈尔斯抵达巴格达,希望能鼓舞驻伊美军的士气。
Meanwhile, Peter Crouch got a full run out for England in the 1-0 defeat to Spain. 同时,克劳齐也为英格兰队出了全勤,但是他们以0:1输给了西班牙.
Meanwhile, Petrechemical Corporation, a subsidiary of China's largest oil producer, (China National Petroleum Corporation) has apologized for the chemical plant explosion November 13th that spilled the cancer-causing pollutants upstream in Jilin City. 另一方面,中国最大的石油公司(中国石油天然气集团公司)属下的石化公司为11月13日化工厂爆炸事件表示道歉,那次爆炸导致癌物质苯流入松花江上游的吉林市河段。
Meanwhile, Petrochemical Corporation, a subsidiary of China's largest oil producer, (China National Petroleum Corporation) has apologized for the chemical plant explosion November 13th that spilled the cancer-causing pollutants upstream in Jilin City. 另一方面,中国最大的石油公司(中国石油天然气集团公司)属下的石化公司为11月13日化工厂爆炸事件表示道歉,那次爆炸导致癌物质苯流入松花江上游的吉林市河段。
Meanwhile, Reshare offers diversified valid information to the regional governments which includes the annual compilation of Economic Situation Forecast and Industrial Growth Analysis, the provision of industrial policies and economic laws and regulations 同时为各区域政府提供各类有效资讯,如:每年编辑“经济形势预测和各行业发展情况分析报告”;提供有关产业政策、经济法规动态;在京举行的重要活动的信息资料;外商投资贸易信息;投资顾问服务等。
Meanwhile, Rio Ferdinand dedicated his stunning strike against Liverpool to his newborn son who was at Old Trafford to see his first United match. 里奥将他在对阵利物浦的进球献给了他刚刚出生的儿子(当时小孩子正在老特观看他个人第一场足球比赛。)

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