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Clinical analysis of 16 pediatric patients with cholesteatoma in middle ear;

Effect of Enshi Fagopyrum Tataricum Linn Gaench on Blood Sugar and Lipid of Mice; 恩施苦荞对大鼠血糖、血脂的影响
Serum PCT level in children with MPP and the clinical value; 儿童肺炎支原体肺炎血清中降钙素原的含量及其临床意义
Long-term effect of ventilation tube insertion on otitis media with effusion in children; 儿童分泌性中耳炎的鼓室置管远期疗效分析
Platelet glycoprotein and RP levels in acute leukemia children and their clinical significance; 儿童急性白血病血小板膜糖蛋白表达及网织血小板水平的研究
CT Diagnosis of Subtentorial Neuroglioma in Children; 儿童幕下神经胶质瘤的CT诊断
Clinical analysis of 16 pediatric patients with cholesteatoma in middle ear; 儿童中耳胆脂瘤16例临床分析
The fluorescence emitted from low generation PAMAM dendrimer and its application in fluorescence labeling; 二代PAMAM树型高分子的荧光现象及其荧光标记应用
Effects of dioxin endocrine disruptors on embryos and their mechanisms of action; 二噁英类内分泌干扰物对胚胎的影响及其机制
Study on preparation of ultrapure water with double-pass reverse osmosis technology; 二级反渗透技术制备高纯水工艺研究
Efficacy of Metformin in Obese and Non-obese Womenwith Polycystic Ovary Syndrome; 二甲双胍对肥胖及非肥胖PCOS妇女内分泌的影响
In the past 40 years, the surgical flap has been made advancement as long as fast progress of the anatomy of skin flaps、 microsurgical technique、 clinical research and so on. 二十世纪后半叶,随着皮肤血液供应解剖研究的深入及显微外科技术的发展,经过不断的临床探索,外科皮瓣取得了空前的进展。

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