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I needed a special spanner and I couldn't beg, steal or borrow one anywhere.

I need your signature? on this report. 我需要你在这报告上签名。
I need your slant on the situation. 我想请你说说对这种情况的意见。
I need your travel itinerary by end of day. 我需要在今天之内知道你的旅行路线。
I need50 dollars this month to keep my head above water. 这个月我需要五十元才能不负债。
I needed a job in order to / so as to / to get married. 可是为了能结婚,我需要一份工作。
I needed a special spanner and I couldn't beg, steal or borrow one anywhere. 我需要一把特殊的扳手,但我无论如何也觅不到。
I needed many years before I realized what that inconceivable death meant to me. 那次死亡令人难以接受,要过很多年我才能理解它对我意味着什么。
I needed more money and so I decided to take the bull by the horns and ask my boss for more pay. 我需要更多的钱,因而不畏艰难去向老板要求增加工资。
I needed one more bolt to finish the job, but nobody around here had the right type in stock and I had to order one from Manchester – sod's law applies again! 我再需要一个螺栓就能把活干完,但周围没有一家商店有这种合适的东西,因此我只得向曼彻斯特订一个-事情要多糟有多糟!
I needed some extra training. 我需要些额外的训练。
I needed some orientation at this stage. 我在这个阶段需要熟悉情况。

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