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Our orders are to attack their left flank .

Our opinions did not coincide on this case. 在这个案例上,我们的意见不一致。
Our opinions on this subject are at opposite poles. 我们对这一问题的看法截然相反。
Our opinions, our senses often deceive us and we discern very little. 我们的意见和感觉经常欺骗我们,而我们却少能分辨。
Our opponents in the semi-final of this season's Carling Cup will be drawn on Saturday at approx 12:15pm. 星期六下午12:15左右的抽签将会揭晓我们这个赛季联赛杯在半决赛中的对手。
Our optimization goal is not only to maximize the tolerance of the circuit to process variation, but also to minimize the total area of clock buffers. 我们最佳化的目的,不仅是要最大化制程变异容忍度,并且要最小化整个电路时钟缓冲器的总面积。
Our orders are to attack their left flank . 我们的命令是攻击他们的左翼.
Our orders are to engage (the enemy) immediately. 我们的命令是立即(与敌军)开战.
Our ordinary language is replete with such sense-related metaphors, and perhaps synesthetes are just especially gifted in this regard. 我们的日常用语之中,充满这种与感觉有关的隐喻,或许具有联觉的人只是在这方面更有天赋罢了。
Our ordinary workday is eight hours. 我们正常的工作日是8小时。
Our organic pigments widely used in ink, paint, plastics, rubber, paint Sejiang stamp supplies and educational sectors such as color. 我们的有机颜料广泛用于油墨、油漆、塑料、橡胶、印花涂料色浆及文教用品等行业的着色。
Our original plan was changed due to the weather. 我们的计画因为天气而改变。

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