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Sanhe Green has a great financing background and investment experiences to energy system(BOT、CDM、EMC),also could supply a complete service from design to project contractor, equipment and operation.

Sanfujin Tianjin therapy, a special Chinese herbal moxibustion of surgical treatments, contributes to the prevention of disease by nurturing Yang in spring and summer and treating winter diseases in summer. 三伏天灸疗法为中医独创的外治疗法,根据中医的春夏养阳、冬病夏治理论,利用三伏天发热气候,在人体的特定穴位上敷贴中药,以达到预防或减缓疾病的效果。
Sang Lan is one of the best athletes in our country. 桑兰是我国最优秀的运动员之一,她曾经在比赛中获得过一些奖。
Sange obeys high standard quality control procedures. 三格严格遵从高质量标准,执行完全品质保证程序。
Sanger, David E. Bush to Formalize A Defense Policy of Hitting First.New York Times, June 17, 2002. 着,<布希应规划一个先发制人的防卫政策>,《纽约时报》,2002年6月17日。
Sanguinetti said she did not know which military unit was involved. She said an investigation is under way but it appears guards handled the inadvertent intrusion correctly. 桑奎内提说,她不清楚是哪个军事单位涉及此事。她说,调查正在进行中,不过显然守卫人员对于这起误闯事件处理得当。
Sanhe Green has a great financing background and investment experiences to energy system(BOT、CDM、EMC),also could supply a complete service from design to project contractor, equipment and operation. 公司拥有强大的资本背景与能源系统投资经验(BOT、CDM、EMC),可提供自设计到工程承包、设备、运营的全套服务。
Sanitary Ware, sensory automatic doors manufacture, processing; Electrical equipment and hardware tools, decorating materials sales. (The above operating permits covering operating with permits to operate). 洁具、感应自动门制造、加工;机电设备、五金工具、装潢材料销售。(以上经营范围涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)。
Sanitary conditions had deteriorated to such an extent that there was widespread danger of disease. 卫生条件恶化到了如此程度,到处都有发生疾病的危险。
Sanitary conditions there quickly deteriorated. 那里的卫生条件迅速恶化。
Sanitary pump WQ adopt strongpoint of national and international similar products, it has comprehensive excellent design on hydraulic model, mechanism structure, seal, cooling, protection, etc. 污水泵WQ吸收了国外同类产品的优点,在水力模型、机械结构、密封、冷却、保护等方面进行了综合性优级设计。
Sanitary transportation tank for liquid foods products. 鲜乳、液糖、果糖......等流体制品运输车专用卫生桶槽。

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